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That is just stunning! I had no idea that a dutch oven would cook a fatty so well, I am officially amazed. Thanks Jeanie!
Very kind of you JB, thank you! I love my dutch ovens, they put out some pretty tasty food. :-D

Perfection in every detail Jeanie. No one can make a bacon weave or smoke a fatty like you! But inquiring minds want to know, Did you catch any?
I did Mike! I brought some keepers home! :-D I didn't catch a lot but it didn't matter. When "fishing", catching fish is just a bonus. lol I love being out there.
Thanks so much! :thumb:
Nice work Jeanie! Hope you are well! Where did you get the stainless tube?!? Just looked up the PVC version and can make that but stainless looks awesome and would like to try the stainless welding option on my welder!
Nice work Jeanie! Hope you are well! Where did you get the stainless tube?!? Just looked up the PVC version and can make that but stainless looks awesome and would like to try the stainless welding option on my welder!
Thank you Clay! I'm doing great, thanks for asking. Hope you are well too!
The stainless piston was made by a friend in Germany. It's a little smaller in diameter than my old pvc one but it works well. I bet you could make one with no problem! Keep me posted if you do, please. Thanks again! :-D
Here's a few more pics of the piston. Guess I've had it for about 6 years!

OK, now I am wondering if I could just move in with Cowgirl.

lol Thanks! I was going to say, I'd put you to work, but I just got a new fence built this year and for once, the "fence fixin'" has slowed down! lol
Thanks again! :thumb:
You never fail to amaze Jeanie especially that bacon weave, reminds me of lace with the color variation. You somehow have managed to make a Fatty look sexy, nice work and another great post.
You never fail to amaze Jeanie especially that bacon weave, reminds me of lace with the color variation. You somehow have managed to make a Fatty look sexy, nice work and another great post.

Bill, you are so kind. Thank you!! :hug:
Oh yes! I love D.O. cooking, I am now have a new item to my MUST COOK list! You make that list longer every time you post a thread Jeanie.

Thanks Josh... good to see ya!
I know your cooking is fantastic. Hope you stick around and post some of your DO pics! :-D
Looks awesome! I've never seen a piston before. I need to research it more. Can't have too many cooking tools! You are a master bacon weaver. Haha! Beautiful scenery. Also reminds me I need to get out my cast iron dutch oven and use it. And the more pics the better!