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Serious question, mods.
It's been pointed out to me that in last years Master TD, it was fine to mince the protein.
So that is fine this TD, I assume?
We can slice and dice as we need to?
You farkers like giving me flashbacks don't you. Now I won't be able to sleep tonight. Fark! I don't even like farking blueberries!

I gotta enter some more TD's and get back in this thing. I ain't no quitter! Well... I did quit smoking...but that was good...I think...anyhow...get back to cooking you farking slackers!

Good luck to everyone, this is gonna be a good one. :thumb:
Official Entry; Grand Master Finale.

In the words of one of my favorite musicians, Mr Charlie Daniels, "The devil opened up his case and he said: "I'll start this show."
And fire flew from his fingertips as he rosined up his bow.
And he pulled the bow across his strings and it made an evil hiss.
Then a band of demons joined in and it sounded something like this"

Please accept this as my official entry into the "Grand Master Finale"

I am pleased to present, Coffee Crusted, Crown Rack of Lamb, with Sauteed Savoy Cabbage, Panchetta, and Red Chile Peppers along with Red Wine and Srirachi Poached Apples. Please enjoy.

I picked up a pile of lamb at our local Producture. The lamb is raised locally and is grass fed and strictly organically raised.

After trimming it up and Frenching the ribs, I rolled it up and brined it overnight in a simple 2% salt and water solution.

Then I gathered up the remaining ingredients to complete my mission.

Locally Grown Savoy Cabbage.

Fuji Apples from the land of the Cathars.

Finally, the remaining mandatory ingredients to comprise basket #3

I made a Coffee, Mustard Seed, Cumin and Sugar Rub to achieve a nice crust on the Lamb. Into the Mortar and Pestal it all went for a good grind session.

Added some green and red pepper corns next.

Next I peeled 3 apples and set them into a nice warm hot tub of Red Wine, Cinnamon, Star Anise, Sugar and a big fat squirt of Srirachi.

After about an hour they were looking nice and poached, I turned off the heat and let them steep in the bath for the rest of the afternoon.

Next step was to start a reduction to serve with the lamb. I sautéd some shallots in butter.

Added the trimmings from the lamb.

They browned for while and smelled like heaven. Deglazed the pan with demi glace and strained to complete the sauce. Added the Cilantro (Coriandre in French) with a knob of butter to finish.

Next I slathered the Rack with some Dijon Mustard and applied the Coffee Rub liberally and let it rest at room temperature for about an hour.

Wrapped the rib bones to prevent them from burning

Then it tied up and readied for the fire.

The indoor Braai was my choice for cooking the lamb rack tonight.

Things were moving along nicely

Ready for action.

Roasting alongside the fire.

Step up the heat.

The Cabbage ingredients have been added to the pot and are getting all happy together.

Add the chopped cabbage to the mix with some Thai red chili peppers

Add a Pork Chop for Mrs CA who doesn't care for lamb too much.

Voila, plated and ready to eat. And then the batteries in my camera died, just to add a bit of fun to the mix. iPhone Photos to the rescue.

The lamb and Demi Glace reduction was devine. My polling pic if you please and entry shot above ^^^^.

All in all the coffee crust was not as strong flavored as I thought that it would be. I was affraid it would overpower the lamb. It did not at all and the result was a very good meal.

Thanks for looking and for all the people that voted for my entries in the past, without you, I would be here in the Throwdown today!

Merci Beaucoup!
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Dang Jed that is one helluva great dish there :thumb:

And that savoy cabbage is one of the best looking heads I've ever seen :shocked:
That is one of my favorite cabbages