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is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 7, 2005
the best day ever
Has anybody given any thought to replacing the lid on the fire-box? I'm thinking about swapping the existing lid with all that extra space for heat to dissipate with a piece of plate steel cut to the same size, mounted with hinges and a handle attached. I'm also thinking of adding an expanded metal grate to the lid so that the clowns I surround myself with don't accidentally put their hand on what is essentially a griddle. I might cut a hole in the grate so that I could put a pot right on the hot surface.

Anybody see any issues with what I'm proposing?
Richard, I have used my factory ashpan, as a sub-lid of sorts under the stock lid arrangement. Under cold or breezy conditions it works wonders squeezing the most btu's out of the fuel load. Under more favorable cooking conditions, it's almost too efficient and high pit temps (250 and higer) become a problem.

There are several variations on this same theme, use a piece of sheet steel inside the stock lid, bolt in piece of sheet at the hip in the lid etc....

I'd go with one that's easily removed instead of a more permanent mod, until you've tried it and see how often you require it and how you get along with it. Just my $.02.
Best of luck and happy cooking.
I drew it out a few years ago but never got around to making it. I haven't put L and W measurements to it since it was just a concept but if you can use it, go for it.


  • newlid.gif
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your talking about a version of the "heat chute" mod for the bandera. Alot of us have inserted some sheet or plate steel onto the inside lips of the firebox lid. It definatley improves the effeciency. I think our files section has a few drawings of the mod.
When I want to hold the heat in the firebox rather than having it go up in the lid, I just wrap the cook grat in the firebox with heavy duty foil and put it back in place. It defintely helps plus it's easier to remove in warmer weather when it isn't always needed.
I think that's a good idea RichardF. I use heat shields on the top & sides right now; plus I got a whole spare firebox but a heavy plate would do the trick too.
This shows a 1/4 inch stainless steel plate in the top of the fire box.


  • BANMOD1.jpg
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Smoker - How did you mount the plate under the flang in the firebox? With the plate in place, is the only access to the fire box thru the side door? Does this set up prevent you from using a charcoal basket?
heres the way i did it. If yu look at smokers picture, you can see the lip on the underside of the lid. I cut the plate so it fit inside and sat on the lip. It took some squirming and forceable adjustment to get it in, but once in place it stayed there and allowed entry into the firebox from the top also.
RichardF said:
Smoker - How did you mount the plate under the flang in the firebox? With the plate in place, is the only access to the fire box thru the side door? Does this set up prevent you from using a charcoal basket?

I should have mentioned that this was not my Bandera. Someone emailed me the picture. I would assume that as long as the plate is there u can only access the firebox thru the side. I guess u can use a charcoal basket if u use the bottom rack. That leaves you 8 inches from the plate to the grate where you place the basket.
I see that it's about six inches from the lid's lip to the top of the lid.
If you tacked a plate to that lip you'd almost have a chamber in the lid now, something you could access from a hole cut in the side. I wonder if it would be tall enough to use as a wood pre-warmer? I've attached a quick and crude drawing.


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Well, I already have enough problems preheating my wood. Any closer to the fire and I'd definately be a hazard.


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Jeff_in_KC said:
When I want to hold the heat in the firebox rather than having it go up in the lid, I just wrap the cook grat in the firebox with heavy duty foil and put it back in place. It defintely helps plus it's easier to remove in warmer weather when it isn't always needed.

I used to wrap my grate like that but the last time I smoked, I ended up melting the HD Foil. The smell was something else... Luckily, I was near teh Smoker when it happened and was able to get the grate off before the smoke tainted the meat. I had 2 parts of a Brisket and 2 slabs of ribs smoking at the time and no time to replace the meat had it been spoiled by the fumes.
I'm now looking for plain plate steel to make my own sheilds and baffles for my BSKD. All I seem to find are plated steel sheets around my local Lowes and Home Depots...
