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He's forced to quit. The way comp BBQ is nowadays, if you miss a month you're out of the draft. He's gonna be out of it for 3 years! He would have to completely start over.

This is just really sad. I'm not sure how this could have been best resolved but my gut tells me this punishment was too harsh.

He's only forced to quit KCBS..."shoulder, ribs and whole hog"...don'tcha know.
Bmonkman, since your relatively close, i can tell you that my daughter is part of our team, 10 years old, and aside from the occasional f bomb or something like that competition folks go out of their way to police themselves when she is around.

In fact everyone seems to know her and ask about her when she cant make it, she really loves seeing the people and competing.

Don't let 1 incident sway you from trying it, its a fun frustrating time, but the people you will meet you will find yourself looking forward to seeing next competition.

I have three girls ranging from 5-11 y/old. My experience is very similar to this and I have not seen anything at a comp that makes me uncomfortable having them there at all.

I believe the key thing to keep in mind here is that the apron in question is certainly extraordinary, which is why it's such a big issue. These things simply don't happen at a vast majority of the contests.
This is my opinion the BOD acted out of fear of potently loosing the cash cow of the marketing arm of MIM and SAMS. unfortunately KCBS has become so large and flush with cash that in my opinion it no longer represents the cooks in every decision it seems that the BOD always looks at how this will effect the bottom line.

unfortunately cooks are there own worse enemy if you really wanted to get the attention of the BOD & KCBS all you need to do is pick a large contest or two and NOT cook it numbers speak BUT here is the problem cooks don't stick together you will have few that don't show up but you'll have plenty that will.

I can see how the team can be not allowed to cook that contest by that promoter but really how can KCBS enforce it's suspension other than SAMS event no where have I seen on entry that you haft to be a member of KCBS or in good standing in order to cook an event?
and i think of all the stupid sh*t i have done!.......3 years is bull sh*t....way to harsh!
Daniel you need to continue to cook there are plenty of non sanctioned cooks took my kids to a couple this year they are cheaper just as much fun and a lot less stress. Plus you can do MBN. I'm gonna try one hopefully later this year.
Here is the dumbest thing I can do...comment on this

First off...I read every day, week, and year the displeasure people here have with KCBS. I get my $35.00 worth so I sometimes don't understand the bashing. Call me a nut but I almost like KCBS. I also predicted that shortly after the brethren were elected to the board that they would be tarred and feathered at first light. Bashing KCBS is sometimes a sport here. Are they perfect? No. It is a Board run organization of uncompensated volunteers. That being said a camel is a horse designed by committee.

Secondly...there are many reasons why all of the information is usually not released...first privacy and ( check your yellow pages....more pages for attorneys than doctors in most towns.) liability. I always believe that if something doesn't seem right and I don't have all the facts in a situation then I need to give the people who serve that do have the facts the benefit of the doubt. I am too old to be judge and jury without hearing both sides. Could have been a harsh, lenient, perfect decsion?....I don't know. The Boardd can't release the additional referenced issues...maybe the team can?

But the biggest point is that we are lucky enough to have a hobby that you have a slight chance of breaking even in. We are cooking for bragging rights, camaraderie,
joy, and MONEY. That sort of make us professional....we do something for money. We have to make sure that we behave in a way that makes a sponsor happy to have invested in our sport. Pretty simple...have a good time but use your head.
Were you present during disciplinary deliberations? Do you have any evidece whatsoever that this isn't exactly what happened?

Who knows what decisions my mind will will make in a week or a month or a year, but at this point, I have no intent to request this board or any future one to commute my ban. There also is no appeals process, nor would I request one. I told the board that I would accept their punishment, and I shall. As a result of this, I will likely never return to KCBS competitions, nor any other competitions. It's sad. All of my best friends are BBQ people. It's been a part of my life for 5 years, and in the blink of an eye, it's gone.


No,don't leave BBQ competitions,don't let the actions of some BOD members that don't have good sense on making puishments drive you away.Like I said earlier there are ALOT of other BBQ associations and they have great contests and in some instances much better integrity than KCBS does.Don't let the BOD win here and drive you from a great hobby,they screwed up,they know it,but don't walk away,thats probably what they want. I say continue competing and show KCBS that you messed up,but didn't deserve this especially when other have done 100 TIMES WORSE and have gotten off with little more than a warning,thats the way the BOD works though.I agree with others this will make it easier come election time and it may make some re-think re-newing their KCBS membership,and may keep ALOT who aren't members from becoming members.Very sad this happened,nobody wins here,everyone looses because of an unneccessary long ban period and it shouldn't of had to be this way.
Bmonkman, since your relatively close, i can tell you that my daughter is part of our team, 10 years old, and aside from the occasional f bomb or something like that competition folks go out of their way to police themselves when she is around.
And that's exactly the way it should be. If more people did that, the board wouldn't have been put in the position they were.

It's funny this topic has come up because I was involved in a similar situation at a non sanctioned event this past Saturday. We had a few female guests at our site that got way out of hand. Within 2 hrs of showing up, they were chitfaced drunk, loud and beyond obnoxious. F bombs all over the place, lifting their shirts, talking about sex REALLY loud, even puking behind our cookers. I was mortified.

I had been busy prepping meat and didn't realize how bad things were getting until it was too late. I told them they needed to knock it off because there were so many families around. Right about that time the gentleman cooking next to us told me that his grandkids were going to be there in a minute and he didn't want them exposed to that. I felt about 2 inches tall. All I could do was apologize and assure him it would not happen again. I was very suprised that I didn't hear anything from the contest organizers about it. We didn't go unpunished though because the bbq gods delivered us the worst scores in the history of our team.

The point I'm trying to make is that stuff happens and it is up to us to be sure it doesn't get disrespectful and out of control. I think the dude with the apron probably got a little carried away and made a bad decision to wear that thing on stage. It's a shame no one said anything before it got to this point but I can understand how it happened.

Not that my opinion means much but I believe that the BOD was right to punish the individual and the head cook. I'm no saint but I think I would have been kinda p.o.'d if I had been there to see it. I'm glad they took action to discourage this kind of thing from happening again and I think the sport is better off for timely decisions like that. But I do agree with many here that the punishment is a bit severe, considering the offense. Yes it was stupid and disrespectful but I think the message could've been sent with a 1 year suspension (max) and / or probation with a stern warning. JMHO
Here is the dumbest thing I can do...comment on this

But the biggest point is that we are lucky enough to have a hobby that you have a slight chance of breaking even in. We are cooking for bragging rights, camaraderie,
joy, and MONEY. That sort of make us professional....we do something for money. We have to make sure that we behave in a way that makes a sponsor happy to have invested in our sport. Pretty simple...have a good time but use your head.

I agree 100% and the BOD has now taken that away from someone for 3 years and he may not return now,yeah thats great for the hobby and for KCBS itself.:roll:
This decision has taken roughly 35k out of the BBQ economy.
Just going on record with my BBQ brothers and sisters, if I say anything to you about your behavior or actions you may have done or are about to do at a contest, I am only telling you to check yourself because I WANT to keep on competing against you, and I am not an uptight, prudish, bitch who wants to get you thrown out of BBQ.

There may come a time when I need to save you from yourself, and I would hope my brothers and sisters would do the same for me.
I have read through this entire thread, admitting that some long winded and one liner posts got the speed read. Hopefully I did not miss an important fact along the way.

I will say that the offense sounds to be in very poor taste which I believe is already accepted. Not sure which apron was displayed, someone mentioned the David Apron but said it was not that one.

Seems I remember a post showing the David Apron on this forum and I took it as very poor taste for a family BBQ forum with the quality of this one. After bringing it to MOD's attention, my concern was shot down (not by the MOD, I am guessing from the OP) and given the example of "It was like art, think Michelangelo".

I was really set back by this as it appears I was alone in my concerns, most everyone else here must have thought it was funny as the post reappeared. For the record, I still think it was inappropriate to be allowed on the forum. When I have a 5 year old Granddaughter walk up behind me, I should not need to worry that my favorite BBQ site allows graphic depictions of the male anatomy.

Not sure exactly what I am trying to get across other than where do we draw the line as to what is acceptable and what is vulgar.

At a public event this type of display should never be considered as acceptable and actions needed to be taken. Do I think the punishment was excessive, yes. I am not sure how the officials are required to react in a situation like this but it would seem that a heavy fine that could be donated to a local charity along with probation would have been a better action.

Just my opinion...
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I remember when BBQ comps were fun! I retired after only a few because of the cost involved and it has only gotten worse with all the exposure. I was like most of you, my kids were there and everyone made sure when they were present to watch themselves, of course being 6'3" and 275 and issuing warnings may have helped. It was only a matter of time before being politically correct reared its ugly head in our sport/hobby. There is so darn much money involved now someone has to police it. I know a few of the board members personally and honestly, they are some of the finest people I know, I do not envy them one bit for being put in that position. Those of you "judging" them need to chill the fark out and put yourself in that situation. While I do not agree with the decision I also know there is probably more to the story I do not know. It is sad to see someone invest that much money only to have a "board" strip him of the opportunity to compete. To ALL involved, I wish you good luck and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
The talk of being prude or political correctness gone wrong is a farking joke here people. Do any of you, or your spouses keep your dildos, fleshlights and vibrators sitting out on the dresser, or on the coffee table when your friends, family and children are around? Why not? It's funny and apparently every 5 year old child out there has been exposed to this and so much more already.
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