Well as of today it's official....

daWreck'n Q

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2012
da Wreck'n Q is a registered team with the KCBS. This is my first year and I have a very simple plan. I am going to cook about 5 comp's to get a feel for it. Mostly smaller local sanctioned events. I am going to go to the chicken and brisket class that Andy Groneman, Smoke on Wheels, is doing in Wichita at All Things BBQ. I have a good friend, Steve Carmichael from Great Plains BBQ who has invited me to tag along to any of his competitions this year. So, I hope to make a few with Steve and learn as much as I can. Attend all the SCKBBQS meetings that I possibly can; along with any cooking classes they may have. I am kinda excited to be kicking off this new adventure!!! Thanks to all those here who share so much information. This rookie appreciates!!!!

And next pay day....I am penny upping a membership to this place, gotta feed the good folks who make it happen. I had planned on doing it before; but got a little extra on the next and no Christmas for the kids and wife, if you know what I mean?
Congrats! We filed our team name "All About The Q" last week. A couple things I highly suggest, as it gave me a little different perspective on competition Q: First, volunteer to help out in the judges tent. No you won't judge, but you can see the back end of the process from turn it to final judging. Getting their perspective may help you determine what kind of product they are currently looking for. Plus you get to sample any leftovers from teams that turned in more than 6 pieces. (You won't know what team turned them in though) Second thing, take a CBJ class. Again, if you are on the judging end you know more about what they are looking for and you get a feel for the competitions turn ins. Plus it might help the lightbulb come on and you come up with a totally new idea thats a winner.
I do plan on doing a judging in class, for many of the same reasons you suggest. Just not sure I can squeeze in this year. But, I absolutley agree with you on the merits. Steve and his Dad Tim are both judges and do a few comps each year. It would nice to get certified and then share the expenses of travel. I had not thought about the volunteering route, that is a great idea andI think I will persue it on some of the comps I don't plan on cooking at. Thanks for the welcome and best of luck to All about the Q!!
I am basically in the same boat as you, I just signed up for KCBS on Jan. 1st. I did one event last year and have 8 planned for this year. I was actually next to Steve at the one event last year and he was a big help. Maybe we'll see you at one of them this year, good luck.