Sweet and Sour-Patch Pork! Yeah, I went there. (PRON)


is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 16, 2010
What the heck to make that involves using candy? There are lots of thoughts that one could go with when it comes to involving candy. I tried an experiment involving chocolate that did not pan out so well so, I figured I would go in an entirely different direction. Gummy! When thinking about all the different types and forms of gummy candies there are, I can't help but think about those delicious little creations known as Sour Patch Kids. Then it dawned on me, if they are already sweet and sour, then why not make a sweet and sour stir fry with them! So that is what I did. I give you:


Pork seemed like the natural choice due to having to deal with some potentially big flavors. To me it seemed like it would hold up the best and the saltiness it might contribute would be a nice touch. Out came a couple of chops!

They were rubbed up and thrown on the grill to cook indirectly along with some chicken I was cooking for lunch.

Once they were cooked all the way through, I pulled them off and set them aside for later.

Now it was time for the star of the cook!


I planned on using some in the sauce along with throwing some in with the stir fry portion as well.

Sweet and Sour-Patch Sauce:
1 Package of Sour Patch Kids candies.
1&1/2 cup water
1/4 cup Rice vinegar
1/4 cup Soy Sauce (maybe a little less)
1 tsp sugar
3/4 tsp Turmeric
1/2 tsp Pepper seeds (I used jalapeno but, might switch this out for curry or something hotter.)

First the water and gummies are tossed into a pot to slowly cook on low heat, the idea is to melt down the gummies.


In went the rest of the ingredients for the sauce and it was left to slowly simmer for about 15 minutes.

Then it was stir fry time! I cubed up the meat from the pork chops, sliced up a red bell pepper, and snapped some snow pea pods in half.

Then I got out my brand new cast iron wok and put it on a hot bed of coals to warm up. WARNING: Never put cold cast iron on hot coals or hot metal! It could crack or bread! Mine was in my house and them placed on the grill rack to warm up before setting directly on the coals.
Then 2 Tablespoons of bacon grease were spooned in (yes, I use it on all my special cooks, or just about any of my cooks now that I think about it).

Once the oil started to smoke a little, I tossed in the meat and the veggies, normally I would just put the meat in first but, given that it had already been cooked, it all went in at once.

The cooking was fast and furious, this wok is a beast! :thumb:


Then it was time for the star to make an appearance again. Another box of gummies was dumped in with the meat and veggies.

The sweet and sour-patch sauce was added. I went with about 1/2 cup worth.

A couple of stirs around to make sure everything was nicely coated and then I took my wok off the coals and sat it in the handy resting spot for it that I had nearby.

I scooped up the mixture into a bowl and brought it into the house.


Then it was time to get out some white rice and plate it up!

All that was left was to eat it!

The taste was rather amazing. The sauce came out slightly more on the sour side than the sweet side but, when you hit one of the gummies it was this burst of soft sweetness in your mouth. To compare it to normal sweet and sour wouldn't truly do it justice. Unlike regular sweet and sours where you might get a burst of sweetness upon hitting a piece of pineapple, when you get a burst of sweetness from the gummies it also had a cherry flavor, lime, orange, or lemon flavor that would accompany it as well. The candies almost melted in your mouth and the pork offered up a slightly salty mild crunch in contrast to it. The best part was unlike when you eat these candies normally, they didn't stick in your teeth! I know that this is going to be one of those recipes I will be making again.
Thanks for looking!
Looks tasty for sure... A member on a brewing forum made a gummy bear beer. I'm thinkin' "Well heck ya, why not." Cheers!!!!
....but what happens when it cools down?:shock:

Cooled down it does gel up a bit but no more than usual stir fry or sweet and sour sauces. Had the leftovers for lunch today, just a couple minutes in the microwave and it was like fresh off the wok. :becky: