Sweet and Sour-Patch Pork! Yeah, I went there. (PRON)

Sorry just can't trip with you on this one. Just a little too kinkey for me. :shock:

It surely does score a 10 for creativity.
You all rock! I dun broke my "thanks" button again because of it. I can't wait to hear to hear about people trying this. It's a fun cook. Specially if you could get kids involved. and can wok and roll! :becky:
That is amazing Tom. Creative and evil genius. Way to Rock the new Wok. I'm so glad I was there when the Asian "Sham Wow(k)" guy sold you all woks. Now why didn't I get one??

I can tell that you got some real infernal sear going. The only way to capture the mystical "wok hay" or breath of the wok. Nice work.

Gore, make up some merit badges.
Awesome - would have loved to taste it.... With creativity like that you should be on Chopped...