Red Jalapenos


Knows what a fatty is.
Jul 10, 2007
As its almost impossible to buy fresh jalapeno peppers here in australia, I took the step of buying some seeds from a West Australian chilli seed supplier. My plants are now bearing fruit and I went and picked some (not knowing when they were ripe) and let them sit to soften for a week in a bowl.
The thing is half of them are turning red and are pretty damn hot - they're the right shape and the green ones arent so hot
Do I actually have jalapenos?
You can eat Jalapenos at any stage. They turn red when ripe and to me have a better flavor when red.
Yep, the red ones are as matured as they're gonna get, only way they're gonna go now is bad.

Grats on the peppers man.
I actually prefer the red ones myself. They are hotter but the flavor is better in my opinion.
I like red and green, the flavor of the red is fruitier and sweeter while hotter. Green is more vegetal.
Out here, green ones are $0.99lb, the red ones are $7.99/lb. :confused:
Its because the company that makes Sriracha buys up all the commercially available red ones from around here.

I wonder if the ones on the bottom of the green pepper bin get tossed into the red pepper bin once they turn colors. Talk about a short term investment.
You can also smoke the red ones till they are dry. Chop in the processor and you got some fantastic smokey heat for soups, stews, chili, salsa, or grind to a finer powder and use it as a seasoning for rubs, etc. Homegrown are the best!
yes Pics please. We smoked some Mexican bullets yesterday they were awesome and were gone just like that

matter of fact they pulled an all niter and wached the sun rise
