Prestigious Invitational Qualifications - Should they be changed


Sep 17, 2005
Mod Note : New thread started here as offshoot topic to my post below in a different thread)

SIDE - Might have been a bit slow reading into it, and I now realize you have a dog in this fight so to speak with your Sayville win, but you appear to be against any other contest meeting established credentials..

PS - Of course Andy is flying out... he's now got an original poist WWII Levitt-style house in Levittown, a job at Grumman working with Phil, a boat docked in Freeport, season tickets to the Islanders and loves the beach

Every contest organizer is entitled to create their own qualifications for an Invitational type event..

Some of the present invitational type contests like the Jack, Royal etc. use various criteria and metrics like GC's, state residency, state proclamation, # of teams, # of years contest has been conducted etc. and rules may not not been revised as the competition scene has evolved.

So - If you were going to start a new prestigious invitational or revise an existing one as an organizer, or wanted to compete against the best as a cook - what would you keep, change, add to make the playing field truly one of the best ?

Discuss. :biggrin:
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SIDE - Might have been a bit slow reading into it, and I now realize you have a dog in this fight with your Sayville win, but you appear to be against any other contest meeting established credentials ?

It is what it is. Other contest organizers spends months or years putting together great contests, securing cooks, etc. If it's just as easy to add a chicken category three weeks before what is suppose to be a fun charity event because the governor is willing to sign off on another proclamation, so be it. If you can declare a second year contest a "first year" qualifier after the cooking is done, so be it. It just begs a review of the rules as they stand, IMO.
No worries. Just my opinion as someone who has been screwed before by these last minute qualifiers. If you're going to take on the task of organizing contests, put the respect of the teams who support you at the top of your priority list (said to all organizers across the country).
I need a better understanding of the qualifying rules perhaps but the way they are being interpreted in some cases leads me to believe you can charge nothing, have 15 people show up, make up a new name each year and, depending on your governor, have it declared a state championship. Does that mean that the winners of those contests will go on to win the Jack, GAB or Royal? Probably not, but its kind of like letting anyone who can glue letters on a velvet sash be Ms. America.
SIDE - I realize you have a dog in this fight so to speak with your Sayville win, but you appear to be against any other contest meeting established credentials..

PS - Of course Andy is flying out... he's now got an original poist WWII Levitt-style house in Levittown, a job at Grumman working with Phil, a boat docked in Freeport, season tickets to the Islanders and loves the beach.

Now thats funny... I think if I could pull off all of that, I would move:twisted:

I think anyone that works with the Jack and the Royal to ensure thier criteria are met should be able to have a qualifying event. I would imagine that there are other specifics not in those website blurbs... when you were lobbying the events for approval, those things would come out. They dont let every event count...They reserve the right to do whatever they want :razz:

But MO has well over 30 Qualifiers, so Does KS.... so I think NY can have a few more if they pass muster.
Feel free to attack me but it's kind of a joke.

I'm all for more contests, I'd just prefer they were scheduled for the season and work with the big shows to do it legit, not twist some things a couple weeks in advance (or at awards). They don't add games to the hockey season and they don't add extra holes in a golf tourney (unless it is a playoff).

FYI, I'm not going to the Jack or Royal this year because I don't believe I'm ready to do them right (ie teammates, vacation time, and money). I'm simply in this discussion because I think the rules need to be better defined.
I see nothing wrong with adding comps as the season goes. At the rate they were getting canceled in Iowa this year, most IA competitors would welcome them.
KCBobby - it's only a possibility right now.. nothing concrete as far as another contest.

SIDE - Fair point - so how do you think a team(s), or organizations etc. can go about making recommendations for improvement to the established contests ? Do you think they will listen ?
Feel free to attack me but it's kind of a joke.

FYI, I'm not going to the Jack or Royal this year because I don't believe I'm ready to do them right (ie teammates, vacation time, and money). I'm simply in this discussion because I think the rules need to be better defined.

That is really should reconsider... you deserve to be there...

Yours in BBQ,

If it's just as easy to add a chicken category three weeks before what is suppose to be a fun charity event because the governor is willing to sign off on another proclamation, so be it.

Well, that clearly isn't the crux of the matter as you were bitching and whining about it prior to the discussion of adding chicken.

Sayville was a state championship in it's first year and you didn't complain about that. The application for the proclamation was sent in way before there were 15 teams signed up. So where do you draw the line? Why is one legit and the next isn't?

No worries. Just my opinion as someone who has been screwed before by these last minute qualifiers. If you're going to take on the task of organizing contests, put the respect of the teams who support you at the top of your priority list (said to all organizers across the country).

I suffered through a similar situation a few years back. Team Agave qualified for the Jack but then a contest in the state we won got a proclamation from the Governor about 3 weeks after the contest took place. Man was I pissed !

Some organizers just want to take the easy road to attract teams instead of doing the real work and making it an event that teams want to attend because it's cooker friendly. Getting a proclamation seems to be the easiest way. Oh Well.
Feel free to attack me but it's kind of a joke.

I'm all for more contests, I'd just prefer they were scheduled for the season and work with the big shows to do it legit, not twist some things a couple weeks in advance (or at awards). They don't add games to the hockey season and they don't add extra holes in a golf tourney (unless it is a playoff).

FYI, I'm not going to the Jack or Royal this year because I don't believe I'm ready to do them right (ie teammates, vacation time, and money). I'm simply in this discussion because I think the rules need to be better defined.

Are you waiting till "After" your Food Tv Pilot?????

Question for Steve (Yankee BBQ) - you've been at this a while, won a bunch of GC's, qualified many times, past NEBS President etc, vocal and respected opinion on current KCBS issues etc...

Do you think that if KCBS membership came together in some way (ex. petition by large contingent of teams or request for topic discussion at BOD meeting etc) and sought the BOD for to make a push to the Jack or Royal committees to re-examine contest qualifications - could it happen ? If not, why ? Should it just be left alone ? If so, why ?

I'd love to hear from others on this too.. we need a good topic to kick around even if it goes in circles.
FYI, I'm not going to the Jack or Royal this year because I don't believe I'm ready to do them right (ie teammates, vacation time, and money). I'm simply in this discussion because I think the rules need to be better defined.

You shouldnt miss the Jack. All you need is Thurs/Fri off from work and a little extra gas money. Otherwise you can do it just like a regular comp.

Have you read all the rules? They are a bit complicated, for the Jack especially. But I think they are pretty well defined.

So - If you were going to start a new prestigious invitational or revise an existing one as an organizer, or wanted to compete against the best as a cook - what would you keep, change, add to make the playing field truly one of the best ?
Discuss. :biggrin:

I never understood why a State can have more than one State Championship. If you win, you are not the State Champion you are one of 53 in MO. And, I don't think contests that are added late in the season should be eligible as qualifiers. A qualifying contest must be announced 3 months in advance and published in the bullsheet... or something like that.

Otherwise I think the process for theRoyal and Jack is pretty good, almost all of the top teams are there AND there is diversity of teams from across the country.
I never understood why a State can have more than one State Championship. If you win, you are not the State Champion you are one of 53 in MO. And, I don't think contests that are added late in the season should be eligible as qualifiers. A qualifying contest must be announced 3 months in advance and published in the bullsheet... or something like that.

I agree, there should be only one state champ....
You shouldnt miss the Jack. All you need is Thurs/Fri off from work and a little extra gas money. Otherwise you can do it just like a regular comp.

I agree...if you want you can always cook the open at the Royal any year, but you never know if you will have another chance to go to the Jack if you get in. I know this, as we qualified in 2006 and have not qualified since.

Also, there is no entry fee for the Jack, so if you apply the $200 to $300 that a contest like the Jack would charge as an entry fee towards your gas it really doesn't have to cost a lot more than a normal contest.
Do you think that if KCBS membership came together in some way (ex. petition by large contingent of teams or request for topic discussion at BOD meeting etc) and sought the BOD for to make a push to the Jack or Royal committees to re-examine contest qualifications - could it happen ? If not, why ? Should it just be left alone ? If so, why ?

I'd love to hear from others on this too.. we need a good topic to kick around even if it goes in circles.

I'm not Steve and I didn't sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night but IMO, the BOD wouldn't touch this. I could be wrong but I believe this would not be their place to ask two contests to re-evaluate their qualifying criteria. As with any board or governmental body, you have to stay within the scope of your authority. Just guessing but I would think this steps outside that authority.
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