Open a BBQ restaurant, they said. It will be fun, they said

The Salt Lick does the leftover strategy but they’re still expanding. So it can be done correctly. But man, write a book! Then work out a signing tour at other bbq joints...
The Salt Lick does the leftover strategy but they’re still expanding. So it can be done correctly. But man, write a book! Then work out a signing tour at other bbq joints...

maybe he'll tell the whole story in the book. sorry but the way things were left hanging I'm not very interested in round 2 or 3.
Ive read this entire thread but must have missed why the Prized Pig actually closed? Can someone tell me so I feel like I know the whole story after reading 210+ pages.

And a big thanks to Jeremy for telling his story. Very enlightening. And ofcourse I will be making the pickles in the near future. Thank you again Jeremy.
It was never stated why the prized pig closed......yet

It was a combination of a lot of things. Financialy not viable, debt, divorce, trying to open a second location, bank backing out of financing after tens of thousands spent on said new location, etc.

There was no single thing that led to its closing, but rather a lot of things that happened all at once making it clear it wasn’t going to work out. Things probably could have been salvaged, but at some point you have to decide whether to cut your losses and move on or potentially get into an even worse situation.

Life is full of opportunities. The restaurant had a good run and I learned a lot of what needs to be done, and more importantly, what shouldn’t be done. The prized pig was a success in a sense, but the location and business model I put in place, along with marital problems and expansion plans at the time, made for a situation where a decision had to be made.

I had my opportunity, and along came another opportunity. In the end that didn’t work out either. But more lessons learned. But guess what? There are so many other opportunities out there. I’m in the process of helping open two brand new bbq restaurants. I may end up becoming the executive chef. I may become a partner. I even have an investor who wants me to blow those offers off and open the prized pig again in a new location.

Closing the prized pig wasn’t the end. It was just the beginning. A stepping stone. A learning experience. That chapter may have closed, but bigger and better opportunities are abound. I don’t know where this journey will take me just yet, but I foresee good things happening in the world of bbq. And I will update when I can. But be sure, more bbq is coming.
Thanks for the update, Jeremy.

Best of luck in your future endeavors!!

The BBQ BRETHREN always has your six!!
Looking forward to knowing when I can come down and get some of that great Jeremy brisket! :biggrin::thumb::clap:
Prized Pig was definitely not an ideal location for most, but was pretty convenient for me and we usually stopped in once a week, or picked up a few pounds of meat on the weekends.
Was pumped when he was going to head up Fat Cap, but I dislike their owners so much I couldn't make myself go. Glad you found a home with the OneFourteen folks, they seem like good people. Got in there last week for your rib night and they did not disappoint. Will hit you guys up at Barehands Brewery tonight for sure.
Thanks for the update, Jeremy, but thanks even more for sharing your pickle recipe.

I have been making pickles using that recipe for everyone and they all love it. Proper credit is given to the Chef. :thumb:
Prized Pig was definitely not an ideal location for most, but was pretty convenient for me and we usually stopped in once a week, or picked up a few pounds of meat on the weekends.
Was pumped when he was going to head up Fat Cap, but I dislike their owners so much I couldn't make myself go. Glad you found a home with the OneFourteen folks, they seem like good people. Got in there last week for your rib night and they did not disappoint. Will hit you guys up at Barehands Brewery tonight for sure.

Awesome. See you down there. I just fired up the smoker and am getting the ribs on in about a half hour. Beer and bbq. Doesn’t get much better.
Well there you have it all summed up. Sounds like a huge DONT DO IT that our parents warned us of. Then we do it anyway. OK whos next?