Items on Craigs List, make your own smoker from an autosham?

I have a dealer that buys and sells used commercial kitchen stuff.. he wants to clean up his warehouse..said he had an autosham and a stainless freezer for me..that autosham would be sweet for a smoker.
I was gonna do that to a SS altoshaam I had. I was gonna throw a smoke daddy pellet pro on it. Just need to cut two holes and it is up and working. One for the pellet pro and one for the stack.
If it is still working, I would us it as designed. You could do like Rex said, but I would only put a hole for the Smoke Daddy. If you use the electric element for heat, adding just enough smoke would do the trick.
I havent looked at the oven that I was offered yet...but it is supposed to be operational...needs to be put back together..doors are off for cleaning??...I was thinking of using the elec with a smoke generator of some kind...Im sure its being done somewhere...just need to hunt for info..the pellet idea is probably the way to go
Mine was not working at all, so I figured the pellet pooper would work good on it. I would not destroy it, if it is working. I would clean it up and resell it. Then use the proceeds to buy a nice smoker. Alto-Shaams have great resale value.
Check out the stainless cabinet that has exhaust capibilites on the Craigs listing..lots of potential!!