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Happy Hapgood

somebody shut me the fark up.

Batch Image
Batch Image
Mar 17, 2012
Shreveport, Louisiana
Name or Nickame
Overnight brisket cook on the WSM...On going.

The victim:


Just SP this time after my usual hack 'er I mean trim job:


The WSM and Party Q in the ready position:


Setup for a big brisket on a smaller smoker. Using some dome space:


Off and running!


Going to cruise at 275*F for this cook using Hickory. Getting up to temp:


Now Daughter and Family are in town with new Grandbaby.


They went out tonight and we are taking care of her. We Love it! But I don't work for teenage babysitting wages. Son in law brought some fine beers from the local breweries. I thought one of each would be fair compensation. What say you Brethren? :becky:


I will not pull the lid on the smoker until 14 hours from when I put it on so stay tuned, more to follow for Gameday! :thumb:
Quick update. The thickest part of the flat was not that thick on this brisket so I'm taking this reading with a grain of koser salt:

At times proper probe position is hard to achieve in the dark. Kind of like searching for the remote.

Nice meat. The Scent Of A Brisket- they ought to make a movie

Beautiful kiddo.
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Grands are the best Saw mine a few weeks ago Miss them Wont see them till NY When there David who is 4 sat on my lap several times showing me what he wanted from the Target wish book for his B day in April- everything When Kay told him that one thing was for 15yo he replied I can be 15 Got to love it It is fun watching them Like your choice of Beverages
BTW did you count your teeth to be sure
Brisket looks and sounds good
Hope LSU beats Texas A&M