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is one Smokin' Farker
Dec 17, 2009
Mesa, Wa
I've done a few small cooks for select groups at work. Mainly for the shop guys. But I've never done one for the whole plant. At this time there are usually 30 people working around here. My boss has had my food before and gave me a budget and the go ahead. Having a majority Hispanic ethnicity for workers, I knew meat and tortillas would be a big hit and easy on the cook.

I ended up smoking 2 pork butts, and 5 tri-tips for lunch on Monday. I knew I would have some smoker space left over, and having a few hunters in the mix, I threw on some duck quarters that have been getting lonely in the freezer.

Pork butt - rubbed with mustard and a Memphis style homemade rub; smoked 12 hours @ 250° until about 185° internal temp with mesquite lump charcoal on the UDS overnight at my place. Then I had to leave for work. They weren't where I wanted them internally, but I had to leave, so I foiled them, and placed with warm towel in a cooler. When I started to pull them for lunch, they just weren't where they needed to be. I should have placed them back in the UDS and monitored them at work - but it was a busy morning.

Tri-tip - I used a new rub, a Louisiana Pellet Grill brand, called Hot and Spicy - since I was serving them with tortillas - and it was really good. Smoked @ 350° for about an hour and half, just before the lunch.

Duck quarters - These were given to me and asked to smoke them. So I obliged. They are a farm raised package and they had a ton of fat on them. So i brined them overnight, and rubbed with some SM Cherry Rub. And smoked them at around 300° for about 2 hours. I really didn't want to under cook the duck - nobody likes rare fowl for some reason! But I know I over cooked them, because they were a bit tough. But had incredible flavor.

The tools I chose for today. The one on the left is used at work for burgers etc., but it makes for a great indirect smoker as well! And of course, ol' faithful, my UDS.
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Nice Closeup of the duck.
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Since I had a lot of surface area, I just lit the briquettes in the middle and kept everything off to the sides for indirect cooking.
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My glorious babies all sittin there being happy-like. I used the top rack because I was trying to time them just right for lunch.
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The aftermath. Had some fixin's to go with it as well. My wife made a 5 layer dip, and some spicy cream corn to go along. And a co-worker supplied the homemade salsa - which was OFF THE HOOK.
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I never seem to have great pictures of the before; it's always a very busy time.
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All in all it was a huge success. I got a lot of 'atta-boys' and great compliments from people who haven't said one nice thing to me since I started working here years ago. So it was a nice esteem booster. I owe so much to you the Brethren - thanks for all the inspiration.

P.S. It was the first time I had used actual briquettes instead of lump for a cook like this. And I'd have to say that I am impressed. I might have to start using them more often.
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