Chili peppers ideas?


somebody shut me the fark up.
Oct 23, 2010
I've got half a bag of a variety of peppers, from long sweet peppers we call paprika to medium hot peppers and some thai scuds.
Any ideas on how to use these up/ preserve them would be great brethren!
Ive just done a few batches of pickles.
Maybe smoke them?
Whatchew got?:biggrin1:
remove stems, smoke on pit (about 2 hours at low heat, do not char. you need about 2-3 lbs of peppers.

Pulse in food processor the following:

5 cans of diced tomatoes
1 onion
1 bunch of cilantro(no stems)
garlic to taste

1 cup vinegar
1/4 cup Kosher salt
1/4 cup sugar.
juice of one fresh lime

put enough vinegar in bottom of stainless steel pan/pot and dump in finely chopped onion, bring to boil. add other ingredients and boil on low until desired consistency is reached. Put in sterile Mason/Kerr jars and water bath for 10-15 minutes.

I like hotter peppers but suit yourself
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I like to take the peppers and slice them. Take a slice and put a bit of cream cheese on the top, then wrap the piece in bacon with a toothpick to hold. (Bit tricky and time consuming, but worth it!) Then I put a piece of foil down on my grate and let them smoke, or if on a grill I use indirect heat. Judge doneness by the bacon. Let them cool and enjoy!!! I'm sure there's a common name for this recipe, as it's surely not my invention. I just know my family loves them.
slice and candy (pickle them), make pepper jelly, make hot sauce, dry and grind as suggested. The possibilities are only limited my your imagination!
I always have some that have been smoked. Some are frozen for cooking when fresh is wanted and unavailable. Think ice cubes... The last green tomatoes are a part salsa and chow chow alongside of the peppers. The green peppers are used in a vinegar based hot sauce for greens and beans. Ripe peppers are lacto fermented with garlic to make a red style hot sauce. And then there's pepper jelly... Oh yeah, forgot apple tomato chutney that needs some hot peppers. Stuffed peppers smoke well too. Gotta be a way to make pepper candy..
Like others have said whenever I've got a good deal on peppers I'll dry a bunch of them out in the dehydrator, and then I grind them down into chile powder.
Also pickle them for later uses as well. Like making pepper mayo or things of that nature.
Dry them out and into the coffee grinder, just remove the stems and it makes a great shake on anything.

When my wife's not home I dry mine in the oven, and also grind them for a shaker.
(The peppers burn her sinuses... mine were probably burned out as a kid.)
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