
members and/or guests: A cook team is responsible jointly
and severally for its head cook, its team members and its
a. Excessive use of alcoholic beverages or public
intoxication with a disturbance.
b. Serving alcoholic beverages to the general public.
c. Use of illegal controlled substances.
d. Foul, abusive, or unacceptable language or any
language causing a disturbance.
e. Excessive noise, including but not limited to that
generated from speakers, such as radios, CD players,
TVs, public address systems or amplifying equipment,
will not be allowed during quiet time, designated to
start at 11:00 p.m. on contest nights and will last until
7:00 a.m. unless otherwise determined by the event.
f. Fighting and/or disorderly conduct.
g. Theft, dishonesty, cheating, use of prohibited meats,
or any act involving moral turpitude.
h. Use of gas or other auxiliary heat sources inside the
cooking device.
i. Violation of any of the KCBS Cook’s Rules above, save
and except #9 – 13.
Excessive or continued complaints from teams on any of
the above rule infractions shall be considered grounds for
immediate disqualification from the contest by KCBS
Representatives, Organizers and/or Security. In addition,
any violation of the above rules shall be reported to the
KCBS Board of Directors who may in addition to the above
disqualification impose additional penalties upon the team,
the head cook, and its members including but not limited to
disqualification from competing in KCBS events for a period
of time not to exceed five years.
All complaints of
disturbance or violation of quiet time shall be reported to
the Board of Directors.
What happens to a team that is Caught Cheating at a KCBS Competition?:confused:

Once a team is caught, all teams are assembled at awards and the team is put on the stage to be judged.

The following is what usually happens...

Team #1: I say we kill em!

All teams: [shout] Yeah!

Team #2: I say we hang him, *then* we kill em!

All Teams: [shout] Yeah!

Team #3: I say we stomp em!

All Teams: [shout] Yeah!

Team #4: Then we tattoo em!

All Teams: [shout] Yeah!

Team #4: Then we hang em...!

All Teams: [shout] YEAH!'!

Team #4: And then we kill em!

All Teams: [shout] YEAH!'!'!

Team in Question: I say we let em go.

All Teams: [shout] NO!'!'!

Very Drunk Lady in Beer Tent at Every Contest: [whistles] I say ya let me have em first!

All Teams: [break out in raucous laughter]
It really depends on the rule broken, the event, and the rep. I know of one example where a team was caught cheating and got a do-over from the organizer and/or rep. I don't believe that the KCBS BOD was notified, but I could be wrong.

What happens to a team that is Caught Cheating at a KCBS Competition?:confused:

You just posted a similar question on a different forum but added additional detail.

If you saw this happen and did not report it, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.:tsk:
You just posted a similar question on a different forum but added additional detail.

If you saw this happen and did not report it, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.:tsk:

Curiosity has got me now . . . what other forum might that be?

You just posted a similar question on a different forum but added additional detail.

If you saw this happen and did not report it, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.:tsk:

Yep, but I might first ask the team if they are aware this is an infraction. Sometimes we can be blissfully ignorant... :oops:
Curiosity has got me now . . . what other forum might that be?


"Posted by Razca's Ribs on September 15, 2013 at 11:17:50:

What would happen to a Team that use pre cooked meat in another cooler than the one he showed at meat inspection? And another team member brought the cooked meat in later in the night."
Using gas isn't the question, bringing in meat cooked somewhere else is what I read. I believe it happened once next to us . Told the reps and people running the deal and basically was told to go away. The reps. or organizer wouldn't do anything about the noise either from the same team. I ended up cutting their power cord in two once at 1:30am and just about daybreak the projector came back on playing movies that could be heard miles away. People told us that. I came home with a broken ear drum, crappy results when I was on a roll and nothing ever happened to them at all. I was told they were full anytime I asked to compete again, when called in the years after. I wouldn't have went, just wanted to see if I was blackballed and do believe that happened too. Just for asking the rules to be enforced. Their loss and that contest didn't last long after that. Spineless jerks with no integrity are still out there. I saw the same team carry meat in from a cooler that was cooked. I just couldn't see if they used it. By their behaviour though I bet they did.I will say in my hundreds of contests, that's the only time I've seen it that obvious. Steve.
"Posted by Razca's Ribs on September 15, 2013 at 11:17:50:

What would happen to a Team that use pre cooked meat in another cooler than the one he showed at meat inspection? And another team member brought the cooked meat in later in the night."

IF this is true (and I stress the word "IF") the Contest Rep should have been notified immediately!

If the Rep wasn't notified then I have to ask "Why the hell not?"

If the Rep was notified what happened?

Was the pre-cooked meat used for dinner that night or for turn-ins?

As it stands right now we only have a question about a hypothetical, possible, maybe rule violation. A lot more info is needed.
Using gas isn't the question, bringing in meat cooked somewhere else is what I read. Steve.

To the OP, asks what happens if a team is caught cheating. For the past, someone would have to go to the BOD or minutes from past meetings to see "what" happened then. For the present and future, we will have to wait until that happens.

The comments about pre-cooked meats, using gas, etc..., where added on comments.

IMHO, nothing is written in stone what the consequences are. It is up to the BOD.
