Cargo van for comp vehicle?

Jask - Check out the Bus depot in Hillburn - many 'mini buses' that can be adapted to suit Que needs --Hell, they bake bread in them!!
Oh yeah...tell your FIL WE will take the trailer :grin:
I have a big ol van that I borrow from my father-in-law every now and then. It is great for packing everything we want plus it can tow the smoker and gets decent mileage. That said, I wouldn't buy one just for comps. But I wouldn't buy an RV just for that either, not that there's anything wrong with that. I also have a SUV that can handle the cargo and smoker but also function as a daily driver. I only cook a handful of times per year. If you're going to do a boatload of contests, than it would obviously be different.
I rent the 5x8 U-haul trailers. 2 WSM's, a kettle and plenty of room for everything else. I pull no problem with a 6cyl Toyota Highlander.

We used to rent a u-haul trailer until we had a flat on one, about 15 minutes outside of town. We sat on the side of the highway with a WI state trooper for over 3 1/2 hours waiting to get it fixed. The trooper said he sees u-haul equipment on the side of the road almost every day. No more rentals for us. And yes, we were late for the comp.