Bubba's Q Boneless Baby Back Ribs and New Member


is one Smokin' Farker
Dec 14, 2008

New member here and just got started by buying a inexpensive propane smoker. So far so good with a completely devoured smoked turkey for Thanksgiving and some great tasting ribs, chicken and pork butt.

Just a FYI that if you are ever in Cleveland Ohio (about 30 mi. from me) you should make a stop at Bubba's Q restaurant for some of his boneless baby back ribs and sauces. Absolutely some of the best I have run accross.
Al "Bubba" Baker was a defensive lineman for the Cleveland Browns (they suck but I love em) in the late 80's and opened a BBQ restaurant and catering service in Cleveburg.

Would love to try to "debone" some ribs - anyone here ever do that?

Anyway - great site and loads of helpful people and information.
Glad to hear your Thanksgiving smoke turned out well!!!

Personally, I wouldn't want to debone ribs (unless of course it's after they're cooked). Cooking on the bone adds a richness to the flavor of the meat. If I was going to debone them, then I'd just get country style ribs and save the $$$.
This is how our Bubba does ribs.
Cattle Call done.

I think he slow smokes them with the bone and then debones and finishes them - how ever he does it works!

Al "Bubba" Baker was a defensive lineman for the Cleveland Browns (they suck but I love em) in the late 80's and opened a BBQ restaurant and catering service in Cleveburg.

Al "Bubba" Baker is best known for playing Defensive End for the Detroit Lions and was part of the "Silver Rush" in the early 80's. He went to Cleveland after he was washed up... :mrgreen:

We can get his sauce here at Krogers. I have never tried it but I have wanted to.
Not quite "washed up" and a comical funny addition to the team. He was formidable when he was playing for the Lions though.
Thanks for the thread!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for the reply - that sandwich looked......................... can't find the words.............me want though.