Briskets For A Drug Rep... PRON


Babbling Farker
Mar 6, 2010
Smoked a few briskets over some apple wood and just a little bit of hickory for a drug rep to take to a doctor’s office along with some BBQ beans, slaw and some homemade strawberry and butter cream cupcakes.

I have been tweaking my competition brisket recipe some and I have nailed the flavor profile I have been looking for with this smoke run.

We kept one brisket for us

Thanks for looking
Great pic, you should take food pics for a living (I get the feeling you probably do).
Great looking brisket - and well shot, sir.
Congrats on nailing that flavor profile. Now you just have to recreate it each time. ;)
Dang, what kind of doctor do you have to be to get some of that?