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We need some help.

If you are:

1) going to be at the event
2) are comfortable talking to the public
3) willing to lend a hand

we could use your help. We need a few people who would be willing to lead a 'walking tour' of the competition for people off the street who don't know burgers from briskets when it comes to BBQ.

If you could donate about 20 - 30 minutes of your time, it would be great. We would like to have these tours scheduled for 11:00 am and then every two hours until 5:00 pm.

General topics would be

1) What are standard BBQ foods (ribs, briskets, pork (chopped and pulled), chicken, cracklin', sausage etc.).
2) The differences between BBQ and Grilling.
3) What sort of equipment is used.
4) How BBQ competition works.

If any teams would be willing to be destinations (not during turn-in times) please let us know.

If anyone is willing to lead tours, let us know.



I can lead a tour or two depending on timing and don't mind having our site as a destination.
We need some help.

If you are:

1) going to be at the event
2) are comfortable talking to the public
3) willing to lend a hand

we could use your help. We need a few people who would be willing to lead a 'walking tour' of the competition for people off the street who don't know burgers from briskets when it comes to BBQ.

If you could donate about 20 - 30 minutes of your time, it would be great. We would like to have these tours scheduled for 11:00 am and then every two hours until 5:00 pm.

General topics would be

1) What are standard BBQ foods (ribs, briskets, pork (chopped and pulled), chicken, cracklin', sausage etc.).
2) The differences between BBQ and Grilling.
3) What sort of equipment is used.
4) How BBQ competition works.

If any teams would be willing to be destinations (not during turn-in times) please let us know.

If anyone is willing to lead tours, let us know.



We'll be a destination. Do we get to hand out samples, or would the BoH frown on that?
We'll be a destination. Do we get to hand out samples, or would the BoH frown on that?

I'm sorry, that message was garbled. Darn internets. Since I can't read it I can't say 'yes' or 'no'. I'm not concerned though as what I don't know usually doesn't bother me.

for those going to the Battle

I will have available BGE lump charcoal and Wicked good for sale also wood chuncks and chips and also smokin dust (not what it sounds like) if any questions or needs give me a shout Good Luck to all, Uncle Eggy.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I will have available BGE lump charcoal and Wicked good for sale also wood chuncks and chips and also smokin dust (not what it sounds like) if any questions or needs give me a shout Good Luck to all, Uncle Eggy.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Darn! I guess I won't make it after all then. Well that and the hundreds of miles and the missed time at work.
For those for whom it matters, the Battle of the BBQ Brethren will be an official NEBS ToY event.


how does that work?

I had asked before, don't know if you missed it, are the 3 judging categories of taste, creativity and originality going to be scored the same way KCBS categories are scored? Is that the proper order?

We have 2, not one - not three, but count 'em -2 nor'easters forecast for THIS weekend.
So, I am figuring we'll get all the inclement weather out of the way now so NEXT weekend will be much nicer.
I did take a climatology course once, by the way......
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