Anova Sous Vide 800watt

Again thank you for the input... So I believe the Anova is in my future along with an inexpensive 20 - 22 quart cooler for longer cooks, will use stockpots already on hand for shorter cooks. Thinking a VacMaster 350 may be in order not only for sous vide but mostly for left over que and for freezing bulk meat purchases.
Lotsa folks are not vac sealing. Some say it's critical, and obviously that's not the case. Hmmmm
Vac sealing in not critical for most things, but it definitely makes it easier to get the air out and not have the bag want to float.
Ordered the Anova today, thanks to hachi-roku_fan I purchased through Best Buy for $129.99 and it came with free two day shipping. So I will have it by the Thursday. Will wait till Feb after Christmas bills are paid off to order a Vac Sealer.
Many don't vac seal, so you may find you don't need it

Thanks Ted, I may very well determine the Zip Locs work out just fine. I mostly want to have a Vac Sealer for freezing meat that I get on sale and portion out, freezing leftover Que, I also like to make big batches of pasta sauce that I portion out and freeze in a "Texas" muffin pan then when they are solid, pop them out then seal. Also cooking small loafs in the big muffin pans would be nice to vac seal then can reheat right in the same packet... I think there are a lot of good uses for a vac sealer now that we are not supposed to eat so much yet I still cook for an army.