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Lookin forward to seein everyone out there. It is gonna be a good time. Looks like the weather is gonna be really nice too. A comp and a NASCAR race all in the same weekend. I've got a hangover just thinking about it. You all be safe.
Lookin forward to seein everyone out there. It is gonna be a good time. Looks like the weather is gonna be really nice too. A comp and a NASCAR race all in the same weekend. I've got a hangover just thinking about it. You all be safe.

Good luck with the Jambo Jay!!!
Lookin forward to seein everyone out there. It is gonna be a good time. Looks like the weather is gonna be really nice too. A comp and a NASCAR race all in the same weekend. I've got a hangover just thinking about it. You all be safe.

Good Luck Jay. I will see you in December in Tempe.
This "secretive" list of who's cooking in contests out West seems to be pretty common. I, personally, find it quite irritating. If someone's signed up, they're signed up. Period. What's the big deal???

I agree,it's dumb to get upset because your name is on the list of people competing at a comp,whats the big deal ?? People must be wanted by the FBI or afraid of the "law" coming to get them :lol:
I agree,it's dumb to get upset because your name is on the list of people competing at a comp,whats the big deal ?? People must be wanted by the FBI or afraid of the "law" coming to get them :lol:

Nah, It's an ego thing there, Timmy.

Some folks get off on the attention of "oh, are they coming or not" BS. Show up in your quarter million dollar rig or fly in at the last minute like a rock's just BBQ man. And at the end of the day even the guy on his Wally World stick burner has chance of winning.

Me? I'm looking to have some fun with my BBQ friends, and if we get a walk or two, or take the whole thing even better. But it won't ruin my day if we don't, and I won't have to shuffle back to where ever I came from embarrased because I got my butt kicked by some backyarder.
Nah, It's an ego thing there, Timmy.

Some folks get off on the attention of "oh, are they coming or not" BS. Show up in your quarter million dollar rig or fly in at the last minute like a rock's just BBQ man. And at the end of the day even the guy on his Wally World stick burner has chance of winning.

Me? I'm looking to have some fun with my BBQ friends, and if we get a walk or two, or take the whole thing even better. But it won't ruin my day if we don't, and I won't have to shuffle back to where ever I came from embarrased because I got my butt kicked by some backyarder.

I agree 100% Dean,alot of those big name teams don't even have much fun at the events,too bad because that is what it really should be about.We know the Az crew will have fun,we always do and we usually end up with some good walks as well.:-D
I agree 100% Dean,alot of those big name teams don't even have much fun at the events,too bad because that is what it really should be about.We know the Az crew will have fun,we always do and we usually end up with some good walks as well.:-D

I guess I have one of those recognizable names in comp bbq.... My motto is to have as much fun as possible!!! Life is too short to not have fun. You never know when that might be taken away from you. Carpe Diem baby!!!!

Probably why I can work well under hangover too... :shock: Maybe I will start taking it seriously? Nah.... :icon_smil
Nah, It's an ego thing there, Timmy.

Some folks get off on the attention of "oh, are they coming or not" BS. Show up in your quarter million dollar rig or fly in at the last minute like a rock's just BBQ man. And at the end of the day even the guy on his Wally World stick burner has chance of winning.

Me? I'm looking to have some fun with my BBQ friends, and if we get a walk or two, or take the whole thing even better. But it won't ruin my day if we don't, and I won't have to shuffle back to where ever I came from embarrased because I got my butt kicked by some backyarder.

Maybe in some cases. I don't think so in the case of the teams I'm familiar with that are coming to this event. One thing to keep in mind is that in some cases some of them are at the end of a long season. They have budgets, family obligations, work issues, just like everybody else. Just something to think about, before you get the opportunity to meet those folks on Friday.
I guess I have one of those recognizable names in comp bbq.... My motto is to have as much fun as possible!!! Life is too short to not have fun. You never know when that might be taken away from you. Carpe Diem baby!!!!

Probably why I can work well under hangover too... :shock: Maybe I will start taking it seriously? Nah.... :icon_smil

I would never throw you into that group, Scottie. We love you out here exactly for that reason.
Maybe in some cases. I don't think so in the case of the teams I'm familiar with that are coming to this event. One thing to keep in mind is that in some cases some of them are at the end of a long season. They have budgets, family obligations, work issues, just like everybody else. Just something to think about, before you get the opportunity to meet those folks on Friday.

You're right Jorge.... It had/has to do with other issues than just being listed on a list of teams. Let's face it guys. AZ is not close for teams outside of the AZ/Cali region. To get there takes some major league planning. I know, I've done this fly in for a few comps in my career. If you are doing it at the last minute and have to fly in, you are probably out at least $1500 before the contest even starts... I can guarantee you that is probably the budget for 3 local teams if not more.

I for one would be happy to have the caliber of teams coming in. You get to see what we have to compete against on a weekly basis. I for one would be happy that teams are wanting to come from across the country to cook in my local contest. I'd still want to kick their asses, but it's still an honor to get your but kicked by them. I am fortunate... I've had my butt handed to me numerous times this year by these guys!!!
I would never throw you into that group, Scottie. We love you out here exactly for that reason.

Except you started your party too late for my sleepy butt last year!!! By 1:00 am, I need a lot of beauty sleep!!! :shock:

Have fun Dean. Good luck to Major Woody's!!!
Nah, It's an ego thing there, Timmy.

Some folks get off on the attention of "oh, are they coming or not" BS. Show up in your quarter million dollar rig or fly in at the last minute like a rock's just BBQ man. And at the end of the day even the guy on his Wally World stick burner has chance of winning.

Me? I'm looking to have some fun with my BBQ friends, and if we get a walk or two, or take the whole thing even better. But it won't ruin my day if we don't, and I won't have to shuffle back to where ever I came from embarrased because I got my butt kicked by some backyarder.

You're right Jorge.... It had/has to do with other issues than just being listed on a list of teams. Let's face it guys. AZ is not close for teams outside of the AZ/Cali region. To get there takes some major league planning. I know, I've done this fly in for a few comps in my career. If you are doing it at the last minute and have to fly in, you are probably out at least $1500 before the contest even starts... I can guarantee you that is probably the budget for 3 local teams if not more.

I for one would be happy to have the caliber of teams coming in. You get to see what we have to compete against on a weekly basis. I for one would be happy that teams are wanting to come from across the country to cook in my local contest. I'd still want to kick their asses, but it's still an honor to get your but kicked by them. I am fortunate... I've had my butt handed to me numerous times this year by these guys!!!

Don't get me wrong, Scotty, I am absolutley happy that we can get some big names out here, I think it is great for the southwest and especially Arizona. We put on some great events and the more exposure we get throughout the country the better.

My response was to Tim as he was talking about the possibility of teams that commit to contests but don't want their names listed as participants and so they held back entry till the last minute. Draw your own conclusions about what that is all about, but we have seen that out here before.

If you are in, say you are in and let it be known you are in. The promoters of the events have logistial issues to deal with, trying to accomodate last minute entries has got to be a pain in the a$$, and it is downright rude to call at the last minute and expect to be included because you are a so called "big name."

We all have to deal with last minute circumstances that cause us to change plans abruptly. This is understandable and I empathize with those who are in that predicament.

But anyone who believes that they are above any of the rest of us and think that they deserve special treatment just because they have been sucessful as of late might as well just stay at home. You are not my Brethern and as far as I am concerned you are not welcome here. I am sure most of us would agree that we don't need that kind of element among us.

I have met some great, down to earth people through the BBQ Brethern and other sites and contests. That is exactly what I like about this sport. Just good folks who enjoy competing against each other, while also having a good time together. If you are doing it for any other reason, then in my opinion you just don't get it.

Rant over! :rolleyes:
I do get you Dean. I'm just saying that I don't think the problem was over not wanting their name on a list because they were trying to operate in the cover of darkness...

I don't believe in this hiding on a list. I will also say that I have asked to be not included, just because I have been messing with teams inthe past. I sure hope teams weren't thinking I was above the rules for everyone else when I was doing it. As I was just trying to be a sandbagger...

Ultimately it is all about having fun and I will be the first to say that you guys in the AZ Barbeque Club know how to do that!!! :mrgreen:
My goal to come to Arizona was something that started 10 months ago. One of my 2009 goals was to do a "fly in" in another part of the country. This summer, we started to look at the calendar and decided on AZ. I've not regretted it. The hospitality has been amazing. I can't wait to get there and meet all of my new friends and experience AZBBQ.

As I told Diva, we are snowbirds. Coming to AZ is a way to extend our endless summer. These "snowbird" teams are good for AZ not because of names, but because they increase the numbers. Pulte has to be happier the bigger the event is. Expanding AZ BBQ competitions is really the big picture in all of this. A lot of people are working hard at it. Glad that we can help as well.
My goal to come to Arizona was something that started 10 months ago. One of my 2009 goals was to do a "fly in" in another part of the country. This summer, we started to look at the calendar and decided on AZ. I've not regretted it. The hospitality has been amazing. I can't wait to get there and meet all of my new friends and experience AZBBQ.

As I told Diva, we are snowbirds. Coming to AZ is a way to extend our endless summer. These "snowbird" teams are good for AZ not because of names, but because they increase the numbers. Pulte has to be happier the bigger the event is. Expanding AZ BBQ competitions is really the big picture in all of this. A lot of people are working hard at it. Glad that we can help as well.

As a fellow Iowa/Missouri boy, I look forward to meeting you and your group too, Todd! Safe travels.