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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 14, 2006
At home on the range in Wyoming
Remember those??? Well, I'm going to take 10 pounds of sloppy joes into work, possibly tomorrow but most likely Tuesday. My standard recipe is ground meat seasoned with Montreal seasoning, green onion, white onion, bell pepper, yellow mustard, wooster and either tomato sauce or BBQ sauce. I'll be serving jalapenos and chips on the side.

Just wondering if anyone has anything special or unique they put in theirs?
add a bottle of your favorite salsa and some sugar or honey 8)
Never made em from scratch, but what I like to do is add a can of drained Rotel to the canned SJ and ground beef and breakfast sausage(sage). Kicks it up a few notches. Also, don't know where we got this, but also put mustard and mayo on the buns. Give it try.
i like chili powder in mine.

I like that.

Sounds similar to mine except I also add vinegar to give it a little tartness.

Yeah, that vinegar might wake up the other flavors...

add a bottle of your favorite salsa and some sugar or honey 8)

Oops, I left sugar off my ingredient list, that will go in for sure. Salsa and the Rotel that Bob mentioned sound good too.

Never made em from scratch, but what I like to do is add a can of drained Rotel to the canned SJ and ground beef and breakfast sausage(sage). Kicks it up a few notches. Also, don't know where we got this, but also put mustard and mayo on the buns. Give it try.

Not sure if this is BS or not, but I've heard it from several sources....a layer of mayo helps prevent the bottom bun from getting soggy from the meat. This would especially be true for fast food go-burgers that may get transported before you eat them. On a similar note, when I was a little boy in Texas, the original What-A-Burger stand was in my town. One with mayo was called a sissy burger.
The mayo will help with the moisture issue. Most of the time I use hamburger buns, but another favorite is Texas toast. Ah yes, What-a-Burger. Nothing like a mustardy, burger from there with jalapenos!! Good stuff. :wink:
I like Thirdeyes recipe but I like chili powder in mine too! Going to try it soon with the Montreal. Sounds good.
the one's we make are really, really basic

the one's i grew up with was just ketchup and mustard

the one's my wife grew up with was a can of campbell's chicken gumbo, ketchup and mustard

i do like some of the other ideas
Ground beef, chili powder, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, mustard, ketchup, tomato sauce, worcestershire, and a puree of onion, bell pepper and cabbage.

Local greasy spoon has called them "pepper hash" for years. Mmmmmmm
Zilla's, never the same twice, Sloppy Joe.

2-big yellow onions diced and browned well
4-5 cloves of garlic smashed and added to the onions
3-lbs ground chuck, browned
2-Cups Ketchup
1-cup mustard (I love a mix of 1/3 Yellow-1/3 brown-1/3 deli w/horseradish)
1-16oz can diced tomatoes
1/4 cup worserchestersistershustershire sauce
1 big can of any of the following beans or peas - Field peas/purple hull peas/black eyed peas/pinto beans/bushes grillin beans/kidney beans/red beans ect...
Boxed beef stock to make it a bit soupy (it will cook down)
Black pepper and salt to taste

Sometimes I add:
Tiger sauce
Rooster sauce
Franks/Christal/Texas Petes/Louisiana/ hot sauce. Whatever I have.
A splash of vinegar, white or cider.
Ground beef, chili powder, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, mustard, ketchup, tomato sauce, worcestershire, and a puree of onion, bell pepper and cabbage.

Local greasy spoon has called them "pepper hash" for years. Mmmmmmm

Yeah, red pepper flakes. These sloppy Joes can't be too hot for welders.....I bought the 64 ounce jar of jalapenos from Sam's to go on the side.

So, is the cabbage for moisture or just to increase the coefficient of flatulence? :biggrin:
Ground chuck browned and drained, Sweet Baby Ray's,finely chopped onion,minced garlic, touch of hot Mexican chili powder, S & P. Pickled sliced japs on the side for some heat and tart if needed.
Here is one without a Tomato Base, you might try it at home first.

1.5 Lbs Ground beef browned
Seasond with Pepper and Garlic (salt if you want)
Toss in a 1/4 cup of diced onion when browning beef
1 Can of Campbells Chicken Gumbo soup
1/2 cup water

Add enough of the water to make it a consistancy to go on a sandwhich.
Serve on Buns or bread. I like it on Toast too.