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Just got an e-mail last night ffrom the organizer.

Turn ins for dessert and anything but will be on Friday night.

Seems they changed the definition of anything but. It typically means anything but the big four. It now means that you have to use 2 of the following: brats, cheese, beer.

We shall improvise, adapt, and overcome. No bacon wrapped scallops for our turn-in.

Desserts must contain chocolate. I can see them saying that is a must.
I emailed yesterday but have had no reply yet. We would definately want to go being so close. The 15 x 20 thing will be a challenge as Grand Rapids was 15 x 30 and we fudged to 17 x 30 to make it all fit. If anyone has a packet that they can send me please do I really would ahve to miss this one.
parrothead said:
Just got an e-mail last night ffrom the organizer.

Turn ins for dessert and anything but will be on Friday night

Desserts must contain chocolate. I can see them saying that is a must.

Chocolate, booze, ice cream are always in the winners circle---see ya there--comning to visit!
For those planning on visiting the competition, I had invited a friend to stop by on Friday evening, and he was told by the Zoo that in order to get into the Zoo on Friday night he would have to buy a ticket to their concert for $40 (or the concert and dinner for $75)! i sent the Zoo an e-mail to clarify this and here is their response...

They can visit you on Friday afternoon, but must leave by 3:00pm when the
zoo closes. Admission on Saturday during the day is only $5 for adults, and
kids are free from 10:00am to 3:00pm. But if they want to come in on Friday
night or Saturday night, they must purchase a ticket.

This puts a damper on people visiting on Friday after 3:00pm.

I wonder if a visitor was on site before 3 if they could stay if we told the zoo that they were part of our team?
That kinda farks up plans.

Got any ideas Greg?

Hopefully the event organizers are busy enough to not give a fark, but who knows. If the concert tickets are $40 then it looks like they're in it for profit which means they'll be tight about it.
I received an e-mail from one of the coordinators (Marsha) and the Zoo folks aren't fully up to speed on the competition plans. Each team will receive some (don't know how many) wrist bands that are good for Friday evening and Saturday until 3:00.

If anyone is planning on visiting, I would suggest getting in touch with one of the Brethren teams (Greg's team and dswfondy as far as I know) via cell phone when you get to the site. We should be able to get you a wrist band at that point.

PM me if you want my cell number.
Things are a little sketchy but we can figure it out. Anyone visiting at an odd hour just tell them that you are with the BBQ Brethren team. May work, may not. I think from the e-mail that it said two full blown tickets would go to each team. Followed with, "after all it is a fund raiser".
parrothead said:
Things are a little sketchy but we can figure it out. Anyone visiting at an odd hour just tell them that you are with the BBQ Brethren team. May work, may not. I think from the e-mail that it said two full blown tickets would go to each team. Followed with, "after all it is a fund raiser".
after reading some of the nitpicky rules in the packet and email makes me wonder why they are having a bbq almost seems like we are imposing on them and the zoo festivities..

best one was.."no coffee pots" in regards to electric
Wow, maybe I won't look into this one next year afterall. Seems like a ton of hassle and tiny spaces. In regards to the coffee pots, show me an organizer that's up at 4am when we typically start our big pot! :roll: I'd plan as usual on the coffee anyway.

I do have this one as a "maybe" for '07 so I'll be interested to hear how it all plays out! Good luck to all the Brothers in Racine! Kick some butt, will ya?
oh I have no intention of leaving my coffe pot or music behind..i had to pay for electric ..just seems to be getting a bad vibe from the emails and and all..hope im wrong...
parrothead said:
Things are a little sketchy but we can figure it out. Anyone visiting at an odd hour just tell them that you are with the BBQ Brethren team. May work, may not. I think from the e-mail that it said two full blown tickets would go to each team. Followed with, "after all it is a fund raiser".
fund raiser? last i checked we had to pay an entry fee for the comp ..then they want to charge us for passes.
billm said:
fund raiser? last i checked we had to pay am entry fee for the comp they want to charge us for passes?

Hermann, MO charges everyone to get into their BBQ event... public, teams... EVERYONE! $5 per head. Not sure why other than to make an extra buck to defray expenses.
yea bad thing is i was pushing this comp at the im not so sure :-D
I see the Friday night "Hoe Down" is catered by Saz's.

That's one of the few restaurants in the Wisconsin where I order the rib platter. Pretty good stuff for a restaurant, way better than a chain operation. An institution in the brewery district in Milwaukee.

As far as the music limitation, maybe its just "loud" and "late" that they are concerned about, seeing how you might be surrounded by wild animals, in cages, that probably already are skittish from the fact that they can smell something burning, and their natural tendancy is to get the hell out of there.
Too bad they are in cages. Zebra ribs may be interesting :-D

BillM... Do the rules really say no coffee pots? That's a problem. Good thing I'm bringing a coffee urn instead. :rolleyes:
willkat98 said:
I see the Friday night "Hoe Down" is catered by Saz's.

That's one of the few restaurants in the Wisconsin where I order the rib platter. Pretty good stuff for a restaurant, way better than a chain operation. An institution in the brewery district in Milwaukee.

As far as the music limitation, maybe its just "loud" and "late" that they are concerned about, seeing how you might be surrounded by wild animals, in cages, that probably already are skittish from the fact that they can smell something burning, and their natural tendancy is to get the hell out of there.

im wondering if they are doing an inventory of animals before and after..
was hoping to do camel hoofs for Anything Butt