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Solidkick said:
If you buy the first beer, it's a date! See you at the Royal!

Brewing now so hopefully will have a few cases to share by then--same spot ast the last feew years--953

see ya
Got the pics back.

Hey Greg, whats that Randy's passin out???


Got more if anyone's interested
dswfondy said:
here are my boxes from yesterday. I need some thoughts on them, they scored all over the place. also the pictures are not the best.



Little more meat and a lot less leaf is my initial thought. :wink: I believe in filling the fark outta that box! I try for 7-8 inch wide slices of brisket as an example. Then I put in no less than 8 slices. I am a believer that judges love to see full boxes. I think it comes from the full plate/lots of food fixation we Americans have.
dswfondy said:

965 877 977 878 877 776

Dace, you mentioned your brisket slices were almost 1 inch thick... I think therein lies your problem on tenderness scores. They should be right around the thickness of a #2 pencil. Anything cut thicker and the judges (especially CBJ's) can and will assume that it is overcooked and that you HAD to slice it thick to keep the slices from falling apart on you, hence, low tenderness scores. One thing I failed to keep in mind when I got started last year was that tenderness is not just "not tough"... it's also "not mush or fall apart". It's one of those "just right" things (if that makes sense). Now if you DO overcook it, by all means, slice it thick or chop it and present it that way. You might luck out and get some non-CBJ's who score it to their preference. But if you do a great job and nail it, keep it at around 1/4 inch thick. :wink:
At the Parrothead and RonL's request:

The Brethren Big Fella's Team and their visitors (I mean beeyatch's :mrgreen: )

RonL, Pimpsmoke, mrB1984, Ciret and Parrothead


Sorry bout the pic quality, MrsPimp needs practice

RonL prepping boxes......very intently. I couldn't catch him looking up!!!!


mrb1984 and Parrothead checkin' on the chickies


Finishin dem yardbirds off and good!!


Quitcher gripin' and keep cleanin beeyatch!:lol:


After the last turn in


The Colors

whaty'all think of those 10 by 20 easy ups? Just got them. They rule.

Shade like a mudda fudda. I got them on sale at big R for 153.99 each. Regular price of 239 or something like that.
Holy schnikeys, Greg! Dude, if was sportin' ears like that... I don't know, man... put a JD girl on each ear or somethin'.

And congratulations to all who competed and otherwise participated. Looks like fun.
BTW, if anyone is looking for the info on how I made the Brat-Kebabs, its here.

Just don't use it against us in the next comp! :-D