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Choice CAB packer and saw a vid (atbbq) where they separated point and flat prior to cooking and made burnt ends from the point. Thought I would give it a whirl as I've never separated prior to cooking. My poor knife skills made the job a little more difficult than the vid showed:), but I got it done. I also injected the flat with butcher's prime injection mix (first time for that also). Smoked at 250 for about 7 hours until color looked good and wrapped in foil (I don't normally wrap in foil). Temp was about 160 at the time. Turned temp up to 300 and 90 minutes later they seemed done so took off and let sit for two hours.

The flat was very juicy, but could of used another 30-60 minutes as it wasn't real floppy feeling on the end test and wanted to snap a bit too much on the pull. The injection was a bit too salty for me also.

The burnt ends though, were fantastic. Since I separated prior to cooking, both pieces cooked at about same rate and I had double the bark on the point and a lot more smoke flavor than normal. I used lumberjack 100% hickory and also used amzn tube (lasts about 3-4 hours). I likely didn't need the tube as this was as much smoke as I've had on product from the yoder. Instead of light and smooth, it was THERE! And quite pronounced...maybe a bit too much honestly (surprising to say that off a pellet pooper). Excuse the kraft in the pic...was at pool with kids today (while the yoder was doing its thing) and didn't have time for homemade mac and cheese. I've got to get the dlsr out for next pics. Phone isn't cutting it

She was puffing pretty good at 250 for a pooper








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I will continue to separate before cooking I think, but I still prefer central Texas style seasonings (SPG) for blacker/more course bark. This was bovine bold and our butts are smoking beef rub

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