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Doesn't White Dog BBQ count as a Brethren team (9th brisket)?

Very hot, but had lots of fun. We got there late Saturday so instead of being where most of the teams were, we were close to the judge's tent, with the backyard competitors. Lots of room and easy getting out. Can't wait until next year (hopefully it will be cooler!).

Guess I don't count either... hot weekend, but alot of fun. Nice to meet some brethren I hadn't met before. See everyone at Berks!
Just got settled in. Long ride home...

I had a great time seeing everyone despite the heat and several contest specific issues that left much to be desired as far as contests go.

But it was still very upsetting to learn of the news of Scott's mom's passing just minutes before arrival. I know Scott was very excited for this weekend. We did our best despite his absence.

Congrats to Lunchmeat and all the other Brethren.
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What contest issues did you have? I'm assuming you're referring to the cramped conditions in the main competitor area and the porta-potty issues. I was disappointed in how they crammed teams in like that. Much better setup last year.

Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you more -- once I got the truck loaded, I just had to sit down. The heat was killer.

Just got settled in. Long ride home...

I had a great time seeing everyone despite the heat and several contest specific issues that left much to be desired as far as contests go.

But it was still very upsetting to learn of the news of Scott's mom's passing just minutes before arrival. I know Scott was very excited for this weekend. We did our best despite his absence.

Congrats to Lunchmeat and all the other Brethren.
Guess I don't count either... hot weekend, but alot of fun.
I didn't realize this was you (from the Brethren Team list):
Widespread Pork
Jon Sibol (Widespread Pork), Elkton, MD.

I saw you there but I was looking for Widespread Pork like it says on the list and in your sig, not Widespread BBQ. Sorry we missed you. Congrats on a good showing.

Anyone else I missed?
Congrats to Lunchmeat on the Grand and to all of the other brethren teams.With exception to the the heat and the "joy" of cooking solo in it, spending my birthday with both of my families was priceless.And to the pranksters that stole all of my cookers until late Saturday night just remember payback is a bitch:twisted::biggrin: As usual always great to meet new brethren and see others that I haven't seen.
It was brutally hot. I had some severe cramping and would go 15 hours without peeing. Got pretty dehydrated. Other than that had a great time. We- Back Porch BBQ did pretty good. Pleased with the overall results. I was glad to meet a lot of people that I see on the forum. Hope to see more of you at future Comps. Congrats to all who got a call.
Just got home and unpacked. First of all I have to say Holly Chit was it fraking hot. I think I lost 10lbs in sweat, as I am sure you all did. Now that I got that out of the way. We got 31st overall out of 56. We thought we were going to do a little better in chicken and ribs than we did, but we are pretty happy with the overall. This was only my 3rd comp, so I am really excited. Can't wait til Berks. It was great meeting some of you, Butthead, WannabQueen, and Two fat pollocks. I was right near Sled but everytime I went to say hi to you, something happened either with my team, or you were not at your site. I meant to come over and say hi to Phil, but never got over there. If I missed others I am sorry, hopefully I will be able to see some of you at future comps.
I didnt realize until after turn ins that i was walking through your site the entire weekend:icon_blush:. You should of thrown something at me.Sorry but i am sure we will meet again somewhere down the road
I kept meaning to speak with you but did not have the chance. You need to come up with more friendly weather forcasts. Are you at Berks
wow what a weekend!
family tragedy for teammate, oppressive heat, cramped accommodations and lack of sanitation facilities are some of the things that we would gladly have done without.
other than that it was great to get out to a comp again. good to see all of the people that I know and meet some new faces.
I had a blast cooking with Poobah and Vinny. Just to let everyone know there were more than the names that you see here on our team. Jerry and James are as much a part of that team as anyone and I haven't seen many 2 father/son pairing that are that strong.
cant wait to do it again............
ooooppps wait a minute, I was never there, I have no idea what anyone is talking about.
In the words of a wise man "no pics, didn't happen"
Hey everybody, Congratulations to those who did well. We didn't and we're not too sure why. I thought everything was pretty good and not 40's results as we received.
That heat was unbelievable, wasn’t it? We were lucky to be across from a tree that provided a little shade, so we set up a baby pool to put our feet in and we were able to get the breeze from the open field.

I hate to complain, but there were some things that I was upset with that I think could have been avoided. I couldn't believe they were telling us at, what was it, 10 am? on Sunday that we had to go to the store to use the one working bathroom on the whole farm! And, they didn't have arrangements for our cars to be parked close by so we could DRIVE up to the one bathroom in the place. Where our site was, there were no close bathrooms. Thank God we didn't have to use the bathrooms during turn ins.

We did get to meet some nice people, although I'm disappointed that it was too hot to walk around and mingle (plus, the puppy wasn't up to walking around in the heat and I wanted to keep him comfortable). I really wanted to stop and say hi to those I talk to on here. We didn’t have our banner up until Sunday, so it was easy to miss us. One identifier though was our puppy, the Australian Cattle Dog. So many people stopped to pet him.:p