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3 piece keystone in place, all supports removed and it didn't cave it! I ran out of the refractory mortar I had been using and my supplier is closed on the weekends, so I found some at Menards and I do not like it. It was 1/2 the cost of the kind I had been using but I would gladly pay the extra money for the better stuff.

Fat guy in a little wood fired oven! I asked my wife to get a pic of me while I was inside cleaning up, she must have thought I looked goofy because she got me from 3 angles!



Cleaned up the joints and wiped down the brick, pulled out the floor protection plywood and vacuumed it out. Very pleased with how it turned out!

And the part I was most terrified of before I started this build, how to attach the chimney. I knew I wasn't going to build a brick chimney, but I wasn't sure how I would transition from the arches to a flat base plate. Turns out it was pretty simple. Here is my base plate with one 2' section of stainless steel insulated pipe. I have another 3' section ready to install but I will wait until I have my structure built and have something to secure it against. I still need to pick up a stainless rain cap.

Just a pic looking up through the chimney.
Wow, that's awesome.
So in case anybody asks how big the opening is, you can just point to your belly . ;)
Just kidding (I'm not skinny), but those are great pictures.
Looks like it's eating you. ha ha ha
I plan to light a small fire in it for the first time on Wednesday. Each day after I will light a slightly larger fire. Great sense of accomplishment right now, will bring home some of my enclosure materials t

Congratulations on capping the dome! I also used 3 bricks just like you did to cap my dome.
For my first small fire I burned a couple of pizza boxes and watched the smoke draw up the vent. It was amazing.
Amazing job. Well done!

BTW: tell your wife, "thanks!". Having you in the pictures provides valuable perspective on the size of the oven, as well as entertainment value. :wink:

Nice job! Can't wait to see the goodies that come out of the oven!

Ryan excellent job and Love reading the updates. Seeing you half inside the dome made me real claustrophobic all of a sudden. Not sure I could do that. Can't wait to see it in action.
OK.. I am convinced that I must build a WFO of my own. I been trying to talk myself into one for years. Now, I have to overcome the biggest hurdle, Time and distance.... I work 6 hours from home and rarely have more then a chaos filled weekend every couple of months, to get back home. hmmm my old boss was hinting about hiring me back lol maybe I should consider it
First Fire, my chimney starter barely fits so I can start this just like all of my other toys, with a chimney full of lump!

A little bit of smoke comes out the front on startup, after it gets going it pretty much all goes up the chimney. I expect that to get even better once I add the next section of chimney.



Enclosure framing material