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It's a sport, call the olympic director. Let's get this rocking and rolling. Who are we going to compete against? This is americas cuisine. Maybe france can get Pate' making in the olympics.
It's a sport, call the olympic director. Let's get this rocking and rolling. Who are we going to compete against? This is americas cuisine. Maybe france can get Pate' making in the olympics.

Debate point 1: Barbecue is not American cuisine, it is global (brazilian churasco, australian barbi, spanish barbecoa, etc). From Wikipedia: "The origins of both the activity of barbecue cooking and the word itself are somewhat obscure. Most etymologists believe that barbecue derives ultimately from the word barbacoa found in the language of the Taíno people of the Caribbean. The word translates as "sacred fire pit."

Debate point 2: In support of point one, why is the Jack called the Jack Daniels World Championship and not American Championship and why are there teams from around the world represented?

Debate point 3: Wasn't baseball in the last Olympics? That is more American than barbecue.

Debate point 4: Why is trampoline an Olympic sport? This is more of a general WTF question than a debate point.
I don't consider it a sport.. it's just a contest/competition or leisure activity.

for me - a sport must have both of the following at the highest levels.

1) Athleticism - speed (how fast can you run to the fire extinguisher), endurance (stay up all night, no sleep, still cook), strength (must lift a whole hog), reflexes (DAMN that's HOT), body control (y'all go over to the other side to pee), etc. which are needed to peform at top levels.. s

2) A definite, objective measure of the performance (ex. score, distance, time, weight etc) not the result of the activity that is subjective. While BBQ comps have a scoring system, it's based on opinion... (yes, but I promise, the top 5 ARE the best, no matter how you get there)
If you want to debate we can do that.....

Barbecue - as to what wins a competition is american cuisine. I personally like churasco much better, but it would not win a comp. Tennis is tennis is tennis, no matter what country it is in. The better payer that day wins. Put two great cuisines against each other and lose because one judge likes spicy or sweet better???? I would hate to hear the cries after that.

Jack Daniels - They call it this because if there is one team from spain that wants to compete it makes it sound a lot more prestigious. Would you drive to lynchburg for a bbq comp that was just sponsored by jack daniels??? Make it the world championship and everyone wants to go.

Baseball - maybe played a lot in America and we claim it to be ours like everything else, but look at the majority of players and where they come from, not america. Thats we lose to little islands in the world tournaments.
If you want to debate we can do that.....

Barbecue - as to what wins a competition is american cuisine. I personally like churasco much better, but it would not win a comp. Tennis is tennis is tennis, no matter what country it is in. The better payer that day wins. Put two great cuisines against each other and lose because one judge likes spicy or sweet better???? I would hate to hear the cries after that.

Jack Daniels - They call it this because if there is one team from spain that wants to compete it makes it sound a lot more prestigious. Would you drive to lynchburg for a bbq comp that was just sponsored by jack daniels??? Make it the world championship and everyone wants to go.

Baseball - maybe played a lot in America and we claim it to be ours like everything else, but look at the majority of players and where they come from, not america. Thats we lose to little islands in the world tournaments.

And your response to trampoline?

While this thread is about whether competition barbecue is a sport (which CNN says it is and Telemundo soon will as well), not whether it should be an Olympic sport, there are a variety of Olympic sports that rely on the subjective opinion of a pool of judges from around the world.

While one judge from Russia may like when the rhythmic gymnasts perform with ribbons versus hoops while the Chinese judge loves hoops. Point being, you go with whatever is winning with the majority of judges.

Same thing with foreign basketball teams refining their defensive and offensive strategies to better compete against the early dream teams.
Trampoline takes talent of a person. Gymnastics are what they are, they either have good form or not, they either pull of the landing or take a short hop step and lose a point.

Basketball - what does that have to do with it?? Are talking they should adjust their flavors? Then we would have to make American BBQ the sport.
Y'all have to stop this now before BBQ becomes inextricably linked in my mind with synchronized diving. That would be just sick and wrong.
I think the question is what defines a sport. According to Webster, here are some options and my opinion on whether BBQ fits.

a- a source of diversion (recreation) - YES
b- sexual play - GOD NO
c1- physical activity engaged in for pleasure - NO
c2- a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in - NO

So, I guess it is and isn't a sport. My opinion is that it is not a sport when measured against what activities most people consider to be, football, basketball, track & field, etc.
I think the question is what defines a sport. According to Webster, here are some options and my opinion on whether BBQ fits.

a- a source of diversion (recreation) - YES
b- sexual play - GOD NO
c1- physical activity engaged in for pleasure - NO
c2- a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in - NO

So, I guess it is and isn't a sport. My opinion is that it is not a sport when measured against what activities most people consider to be, football, basketball, track & field, etc.

You don't compete for pleasure?

"Webster's" definition for "sport": a source of diversion, pastime, a physical activity engaged in for pleasure.
I would say this past weekend filled all of the above! So I am sticking with the term.

I agree.
BBQ can't be a sport because that would make the cooks the athletes. How many athletes on this site are on high blood pressure or cholesterol medicine? It's not a sport if you're athletes are on these meds. :-D
BBQ can't be a sport because that would make the cooks the athletes. How many athletes on this site are on high blood pressure or cholesterol medicine? It's not a sport if you're athletes are on these meds. :-D
what if two guys are playing one-on-on basketball, both are taking meds, they have a beer with a cigarette on top of the can and ever few minutes take a hit of each - does this mean basketball is not a sport anymore???
As far as BBQ not being physical this past weekend the heat in New Paltz was crazy! I believe Eric couldn't even make the award ceremony because he was so wiped out from competing! I even caught myself saying I have to sit down I feel like I am going to pass out.:redface:
dave- red planet bbq
what if two guys are playing one-on-on basketball, both are taking meds, they have a beer with a cigarette on top of the can and ever few minutes take a hit of each - does this mean basketball is not a sport anymore???
As far as BBQ not being physical this past weekend the heat in New Paltz was crazy! I believe Eric couldn't even make the award ceremony because he was so wiped out from competing! I even caught myself saying I have to sit down I feel like I am going to pass out.:redface:
dave- red planet bbq

If you are going to count BBQ as a sport, then the basketball players mentioned above would be similar to a guy doing hot dogs on a gasser in a backyard.

If you sit in a sauna long enough, you'll get tired too. Is that a sport as well?

I'm new to the comp scene, but my opinion is that physical prowess has little if any correlation with winning championships.

Do those of you that consider BBQ a sport consider yourselves athletes because you participate?