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Bob C Cue

Quintessential Chatty Farker
May 16, 2014
St. Louis, MO
When I first started lurking on the BBQ Brethren site several years ago I was surprised at the number of post that were negative toward BBQ competition cooking. Over the last couple of years the negativity has only seemed to increase. Just wondering why so many folks look down on competitive BBQ.

Is in the over saturation of BBQ comp shows on TV, the grand standing of some of the competitors, or is it that the standards for what is good comp BBQ is so different from what most of us like to cook and eat?

Just curious!
I enjoy competing , it's a lot of work and you need an all in team , nothing worse than being the only serious one doing most if not all of the cooking , plus you have to cook for the judges , the stuff you do for friends and family is different
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I have never tried competition cooking, I will one day, but I just think it will be too rich and sweet for me. Basically poaching ribs in butter and sugar. Just doesn't sound like something I could eat a plate of. I do understand why they do it. Perfect single bite.
I've seen one of the BBQ shows a couple times, I know nothing about competition BBQ but from what I've seen, I don't like anything about it. It seems like the judging, scoring process is completely random at different events. You could cook the same cook twice and end up 1st on one cook and last on the 2nd cook.

I wouldn't like to work my butt off for such random results from judging.
I dont think it is a hate for competition bbq, but an understanding that competition bbq is a different beast than everyday eatin backyard bbq.

I have done several competitions. The 3 times I have cooked competition style bbq I got calls in at least 1 category. When I decided to cook my style of backyard bbq, my taste scores were in the crapper. If you enjoy/use sauces that are heavy in vinegar, you aren't going to do very well in a KCBS competition.
I could be way off base but I think allot of it has to do with envy. I can't tell you how many times I've read the "my family/friends like bbq better than ______." Or, "I would never wait in a line that long cause my bbq is better than _______".

If everyone could do it, they would. Comps, cater, open a restaurant, etc. I can't....and I respect the **** outta the guys and gals that can and try to learn as much as I can from those folks that are kind enough to share from their experiences, regardless if "our" styles are different or not.
I have never tried competition cooking, I will one day, but I just think it will be too rich and sweet for me. Basically poaching ribs in butter and sugar. Just doesn't sound like something I could eat a plate of. I do understand why they do it. Perfect single bite.

You have to try the Johnny Trigg ribs once. They are not as bad as people think.
Take almost any hobby and add competition onto the end of it and you have a huge difference. For instance when I was cup stacking with my friends in the basement I was pretty happy but once I went pro that all changed. It became something that was not quite as much fun and was more like a job and I started resenting it. Now take cup stacking and replace that with Motocross or Exotic Dancing or even BBQ and .......well that's just my opinion having never competed in BBQ.
Take almost any hobby and add competition onto the end of it and you have a huge difference. For instance when I was cup stacking with my friends in the basement I was pretty happy but once I went pro that all changed. It became something that was not quite as much fun and was more like a job and I started resenting it. Now take cup stacking and replace that with Motocross or Exotic Dancing or even BBQ and .......well that's just my opinion having never competed in BBQ.

Where do you get exotic dancing that doesn't involve money or competition? Sounds like a fantasy there! HAHA
This^^^ Most guys and gals here enjoy BBQ as a backyard/friends/family event and like cooking to OUR tastes. Once you cross over to competition, I think it becomes like a second job.
Evidently many people like to compete, but I think that they are in the minority on this site.
Edit: I see someont posted below Qjunkie....this is in agreement with his post.
Comp guys assume everyone likes sickly sweet que. Judged a few contests several years ago and stopped. Thinking I might try a few contests again this year to see if things have changed. Comps they cook for you to take one bite, you're not going to eat the entire rib or the entire thigh.
Comp guys assume everyone likes sickly sweet que. Judged a few contests several years ago and stopped. Thinking I might try a few contests again this year to see if things have changed. Comps they cook for you to take one bite, you're not going to eat the entire rib or the entire thigh.

this is another thing I don't like from what I've seen about comps. I couldn't judge it by one bite. I'd have to eat the whole thing.
Cause I think it's freakin ridiculous to be judged on the "greenery" in your turn in box, not to mention the deductions for "brush marks" in the sauce on the chicken and ribs! That's got NOTHING to do with BBQ!! Did I say nothing?

That being said, I want to enter a competition in a baaaad way:mrgreen:
God Bless the little guy trying to get into comp. and some may make it.
They get a Trophy at best and maybe a check, small one at first and work their way up,( if they are serious) but the cost of getting there is astronomical, and then they must have a TV personality or they are just plain kicking everyone's arse, even then, if you do not have lots of money , you need someone to back you.
Total Pharse. Give me some backyard Q any day over that.
Lots of people on this site could be in the same position, if they were presented the same opportunities as others. ( Not me though )
Take a pork butt, inject it with worcestershire sauce and apple juice, and that's what it tastes like.

I prefer the taste of pork butt, even if I don't win nuthin'
this is another thing I don't like from what I've seen about comps. I couldn't judge it by one bite. I'd have to eat the whole thing.
You can have as much as you like. But you'd have to have a VERY hearty appetite. Consider the fact that each judge has to judge four categories, each category is six different entries. You're judging 24 different individual entries. So if you take just one bite at an average of 1oz. You are eating 1 1/2lbs of meat during the judging.
Competition just takes the fun out of everything. BBQ to me is just relaxing and enjoying a drink with good company all while hoping it comes out the best. If you get good compliments and the plates are stripped, then that's just icing on the cake. Like fishing, it's the act of fishing that's exciting but catching just brings more to the table.