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To answer the OP question..
.....I was going to suggest a thread just for TD's... but,apparently there is one?
I'll read the announcement, then not be able to find it again a few days later.

I was/am thinking about entering the Noob TD. The reason I haven't entered previously is because I don't think my food (or Pics) can measure up to some of the entries I've seen. The 'Noob TD' takes some of the angst out of the equation because I know (assume) the other entries will be of newb caliber also and I might have a chance.
I only enter when I am cooking something that fits the category anyways. I'm in it for the fun, and because I'm proud of what I've cooked. I couldn't care less if I won. If I won, I've already decided I'd donate the prizes to Operation BBQ Relief.
Folks, I would like to respectfully ask that you no longer post in this thread and let it die a dignified death. It is both outdated as we have a new round of Throwdowns going on, AND we have a NEW throwdown sponsor. As soon as this thread leaves page 1, I will post a new Throwdown update here in Qtalk.

I edited my post after you responded - please note:

For example, in the recent "Legs" Throwdown, two turkey legs in a white bowl with BBQ sauce smudges sitting on a diving board no less won over a number of photos that were better in a number of ways, simply because that entry best characterized the entry.

Anyway, this thread has gone WAY off track and the latest direction it has gone should be a thread in the TD forum itself.

How did it go off track? You posed the question as to why folks aren't entering, and the relative discussion ensued. No worries, I'll refrain in the future.
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