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Whew!!! After reading a dozen or so posts to this thread all I have to say at this point is..."Ignorance is Bliss"...:twisted: I hope you folks get this mess straightened out before I join...IF I join. :eek: I can't imagine being a part of something with so much controversy. Our PNWBA seems a much better place all of a sudden! :p

JD I'm not so sure everything is as doom and gloom as it appeared a year ago. I'm just asking for opinions on where everything stands.
Yo Jeff, One thing I am still upset with is the minimum number of contests required for teams to qualify for the team of the year awards. As of this writing, there were 4364 different teams on the list for the team of the year. Out of that total number, let's say 100 teams cooked in ten or more contests last year. This figures out to be 2.3% of all the teams that cooked in KCBS contests last year are eligible for the various ToY awards. (If only 50 teams qualified, that percentage rate is cut in half.)

This means that almost 98% of us that cooked in KCBS contests are not eligible for these awards. I don't think that is right, especially if cash prizes are to be awarded as mentioned in last year's speech. At the present moment, there are no cash awards with the ToY recognitions. I don't know if that idea of cash awards is still in the future plans or not.

If cash prizes are awarded, where will that money come from? Will it come from the money we pay for dues or will it come from higher sanctioning fees which will cause entry fees to go up? Why should 98% of us contestants contribute towards a prize fund that we are not eligible for?

If cash awards are to be given, I think there needs to be another qualifying division for teams that do not cook ten contests a year, but cook more than five or maybe even seven contests a season. This would allow more teams to be eligible to receive awards from a fund they contributed to. This could be considered a "junior" division of the ToY awards.

By no mean am I intending any disrespect to the teams that do qualify for the ToY awards. They worked hard to earn these recognitions and I congratulate them.

Beers for thought,

Not sure what they are working on but hey here is an idea.I just found out I was not eligible to vote the other day. WHy? I did not renew my membership back in October. You would think maybe an email would of gone out? I received emails from a few of the candidates so they obviously have an email list with me on it that they got from KCBS right? Supposedly a snail mail went out, i did not see it and maybe possibly it got lumped in with junk mail that gets thrown out. I sit here at a desk all day so I definetely would of noticed and renewed. if I recieved an email.
I think most of the canidates get e-mail addresses from the web boards.
I did get emails reminding me to reup my membership.
FWIW, I also saw posts on the internet by Merl saying Dec. 15 was the dealine to renew or become a member and vote.
Not sure what they are working on but hey here is an idea.I just found out I was not eligible to vote the other day. WHy? I did not renew my membership back in October. You would think maybe an email would of gone out? I received emails from a few of the candidates so they obviously have an email list with me on it that they got from KCBS right? Supposedly a snail mail went out, i did not see it and maybe possibly it got lumped in with junk mail that gets thrown out. I sit here at a desk all day so I definetely would of noticed and renewed. if I recieved an email.

I just got an e-mail this morning to renew my KCBS membership. It also has a PayPal option... My membership expires in Feburary so I got it about a month ahead of time. Just an FYI FWIW...
Yo Jeff, One thing I am still upset with is the minimum number of contests required for teams to qualify for the team of the year awards. As of this writing, there were 4364 different teams on the list for the team of the year. Out of that total number, let's say 100 teams cooked in ten or more contests last year. This figures out to be 2.3% of all the teams that cooked in KCBS contests last year are eligible for the various ToY awards. (If only 50 teams qualified, that percentage rate is cut in half.)

This means that almost 98% of us that cooked in KCBS contests are not eligible for these awards. I don't think that is right, especially if cash prizes are to be awarded as mentioned in last year's speech. At the present moment, there are no cash awards with the ToY recognitions. I don't know if that idea of cash awards is still in the future plans or not.

If cash prizes are awarded, where will that money come from? Will it come from the money we pay for dues or will it come from higher sanctioning fees which will cause entry fees to go up? Why should 98% of us contestants contribute towards a prize fund that we are not eligible for?

If cash awards are to be given, I think there needs to be another qualifying division for teams that do not cook ten contests a year, but cook more than five or maybe even seven contests a season. This would allow more teams to be eligible to receive awards from a fund they contributed to. This could be considered a "junior" division of the ToY awards.

By no mean am I intending any disrespect to the teams that do qualify for the ToY awards. They worked hard to earn these recognitions and I congratulate them.

Beers for thought,


Hoppy New Year Juggy!!!

My proposal was to get a sponsor to sponsor the Team of the Year Awards... That way, no ear marked "membership" funds would be used... They get sponsors for everything else, why not this?
Yo Jeff, One thing I am still upset with is the minimum number of contests required for teams to qualify for the team of the year awards. As of this writing, there were 4364 different teams on the list for the team of the year. Out of that total number, let's say 100 teams cooked in ten or more contests last year. This figures out to be 2.3% of all the teams that cooked in KCBS contests last year are eligible for the various ToY awards. (If only 50 teams qualified, that percentage rate is cut in half.)

This means that almost 98% of us that cooked in KCBS contests are not eligible for these awards. I don't think that is right, especially if cash prizes are to be awarded as mentioned in last year's speech. At the present moment, there are no cash awards with the ToY recognitions. I don't know if that idea of cash awards is still in the future plans or not.

If cash prizes are awarded, where will that money come from? Will it come from the money we pay for dues or will it come from higher sanctioning fees which will cause entry fees to go up? Why should 98% of us contestants contribute towards a prize fund that we are not eligible for?

If cash awards are to be given, I think there needs to be another qualifying division for teams that do not cook ten contests a year, but cook more than five or maybe even seven contests a season. This would allow more teams to be eligible to receive awards from a fund they contributed to. This could be considered a "junior" division of the ToY awards.

By no mean am I intending any disrespect to the teams that do qualify for the ToY awards. They worked hard to earn these recognitions and I congratulate them.

Beers for thought,


Excellent post Juggy! I know the Belly Brothers just don't have the revenue to cook 10 contests...but we could cook 5, which is where I think a junior division number of contests cooked would be an excellent choice.....if you want to distinguish the the teams that can cook more than 10 contests from the ones that can cook 5, do it with the TOY prize money.....1/2 as many contests, 1/2 as much money.......
I could live with that........
Yo Scottie and Solidkick, Sorry for the tardy replies. I don't spend as much time on-line as I used to.

Scottie, I think having a sponsor provide the funds for cash prizes for the ToY awards is a great idea. As I stated earlier, I do have a problem with those funds coming from the "membership" funds.

Thanks for the kind words on my post, Solid Kick. I think there needs to be a "junior" division as well. Not every team in the country can cook ten contests in a season. Besides the time and financial constraints, there are areas in the country that don't have one-third the contests we do here in Missouri. The current format is not fair to these members.


As of this writing, there were 4364 different teams on the list for the team of the year. Out of that total number, let's say 100 teams cooked in ten or more contests last year. This figures out to be 2.3% of all the teams that cooked in KCBS contests last year are eligible for the various ToY awards. (If only 50 teams qualified, that percentage rate is cut in half.)

But how many of those 4364 teams only cooked one contest? Two? How many even know what TOY is or even care? How many are KCBS members? You get points just for cooking in a KCBS contest, which would mean some of the teams that just show up to party are among the over 4300 teams acquiring TOY points.

Around the KC area, contests like Lenexa, the American Royal, Great American BBQ and North Kansas City would account for literally hundreds of teams acquiring TOY points who cook in one contest or maybe two a year (probably just for the party). With entry numbers for those contests ranging from nearly 100 teams to almost 500, that's a lot of disinterested teams. Now think about those types of teams that are sprinkled into every contest every weekend across the country. That really skews the percentages of KCBS member teams among the total contestants who have an interest in TOY.

I think in coming years we will see better way to track TOY points among KCBS member teams. I will reserve judgment on this issue until then. In the mean time, I don't think requiring 10 contest scores to qualify for TOY is out of line.

I have no problem with the way the system works now. Teams that cook 20, 25 or even 30 or more contests should be the ones recognized at the end of the year. They have worked a lot harder and sacrificed more than a team that cooked 5 or 6 or 7 contests (or the 16 contests that my team cooked, for that matter). I do not mean to disrespect a team that cooks 5 contests a year - I have nothing but the utmost appreciation for any team that chooses to cook in one of our KCBS contests, follows the rules and respects their fellow competitors. But you almost have to make a conscience decision to try and win a TOY award before the season even starts - and you have to respect that decision and dedication as well.
Well, we're one year into this deal now, give or take a few days. I'm just curious about what you all think. What's changed for the better or worse? From my perspective, I haven't seen a whole lot different yet. The members-only section of the KCBS site finally became a reality with a little more than just when your dues are up and how to pay them. Nobody that I know of is charging an extra $25 for non-KCBS teams to enter a contest. So are we turned around and headed in the right direction that we, as members WANT to be headed? Seems that after all of this settled down, everything on the MMA/KCBS relationship front got really quiet most of the year. Maybe I was just too busy to notice?

We cooked one contest this year, it was a first time contest, that charged (or at least listed the charge on the entry form) the Non-KCBS fee. So that information did not get dispersed to all organizers.
Are things better? I don't know.

I know that when I look at the 'benefits' the only thing I see is the Comfort Inn discount, even though more were supposed to be coming. In the current economy I can understand how it might be difficult to secure new discounts.

Has the relationship with MMA been a positive one? I don't think I can form an educated opinion without seeing the financials. It's a business relationship, and the bottom line is money.

TOY? I'm on the fence. I know folks on both sides of the cooking spectrum. Maybe I'm an elitist but I've got to believe that the true TOY is the team that is out there cooking almost every weekend. They make the greatest effort, and I believe they have earned that recognition. I also think that there should be recognition for those that just can't get out there to cook as often for whatever reason. Whether it is by recognizing the highest scoring average over a smaller # of contests or some other formula, those folks are just as deserving. The issues are fixable.

While things aren't perfect, they could be a lot worse.
Would I like to be TOY? You bet I would! However, we went from a couple of comps a year to 14 last year. It was a blast and was all we could handle. Doubt we will make that many this year but love the contests and meeting everyone. My dream is to someday be able to compete more often and in different parts of the country. Until then my hat is off to those that are able and dedicate themselves to competing 20 to 30 times (or more) a year. I believe one of them should be TOY if they are able to do well in 10 contests. From what I've seen and read, the competition at the comps is just getting better and better. Just my .02:-D
I cooked one event last year and will do four this year. The thought that my team would even be mentioned in TOY standings is ridiculous. Why not limit those who are listed in TOY standings to the top 100 or something thus eliminating those of us who are more or less hobbiest? Sorry if this has been mentioned. It seems that this thread has been active for a FARKING YEAR so I skipped a few hundred replies :)
I think there needs to be a "junior" division as well. Not every team in the country can cook ten contests in a season.

Hey Juggy - This biggest problem I would have with a system that includes a second division for teams who cook less than 10 contests would be this... Say you have a very good team that has finished well in the current TOY set up. Under this proposed system, what will stop a team like from cooking 9 contests under one team name or head cook's name, and another 9 contests under a different name and so on?

It's really no different than the "bottom feeder" guys who wait to enter contests until they see who else has entered. As you know, around KC 2 or 3 or even more contests can be happening withing an hour's drive on any given's not unheard of for someone to call all of the organizers and ask to hold a spot for them, then wait to see which opposing teams show up to each one and go to the contest where they feel they have the best chance to win.

I also think that there should be recognition for those that just can't get out there to cook as often for whatever reason.

But Jorge, Isn't the best recognition winning a contest or being called for an award and finishing higher than one of the perennial TOY contenders? I would rather win head-to-head than on paper.
But Jorge, Isn't the best recognition winning a contest or being called for an award and finishing higher than one of the perennial TOY contenders? I would rather win head-to-head than on paper.

I can agree with that, but don't see how some sort of additional recognition for teams that cook fewer events would negate that satisfaction.

In my mind the teams that go out and cook week in, and week out, and win consistently are the big dogs in the game. Recognition from others that don't have the time, or resources does nothing to diminish the recognition that those more active teams have earned.
The way I look at it.. And yes I know I sometime shave disorted views. but I would look at it like the sauce contest at the Royal... The results really muddy the waters of who won best sauce... As there is about 20 different winners in the categories...
The way I look at it.. And yes I know I sometime shave disorted views. but I would look at it like the sauce contest at the Royal... The results really muddy the waters of who won best sauce... As there is about 20 different winners in the categories...

I'm looking at one additional award, or one additional Top Ten etc... In my mind the big dogs still come out on top based on the time and effort and everything else that comes with that.

The teams that cook all of those consecutive weekends, and continue to remain at the top and consistent have earned their place at the top of the game.

A team that cooks 5 or 6 events and wins 3 or 4 of them deserves some recognition, as well, in my opinion.