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I think every KCBS member should judge a contest and cook at a contest with a team. They should have completed the CBJ course as well. Same rules apply for BOD. If MMA is focused on existing members, they should do the same.

Ever hear the phrase, "Be careful what you ask for."?:wink::lol:
And yet their coolers were outlawed. :rolleyes: I've always found it interesting that the majority of the body are judges, but the cooler rule was passed.
The rules meeting vots is only a recommendation to the BOD. They will make the decision at the Feb meeting on any rule changes. i'd say there a good chance they will leave it to the organizers.
a little Axel in the morning...

My signature turn-in time song! I can't wait to start all over again!

That is IT! I'm definitely gonna get out there to cook with you guys now!

Do you sing too? Or just not Karaoke?

ok... sorry I couldn't resist ... back on topic...

I have been watching this thread (and some others) and offering few comments.

But, all I have to say is:

"If I ever run for a BOD or other elected position---JUST SHOOT ME" :twisted:

Too much grief, thanks to the power of the Internet.

Y'all have fun!

That is IT! I'm definitely gonna get out there to cook with you guys now!

Do you sing too? Or just not Karaoke?

ok... sorry I couldn't resist ... back on topic...

No, I don't sing... usually. If I've been hitting the Woodford Reserve Bourbon prior to turn-in (which I sometimes do because my hand tends to shake while I'm arranging meat in the boxes), there's a chance a line or two will get croaked (notice I didn't say "sung").

Just do me a favor... if you guys do decide to come out here to cook with us, just let us know plenty in advance so we can get lots of sleep before the contest. I'm afraid you'd keep us up all night like you did at the banquet. :twisted::lol::lol::lol:
I am not bothered at all by the staement that was made. I am REALLY bothered that not one brethren in that room didnt follow up and heckle "Whether you like it or not....." with "IN MY PANTS"
No, I don't sing... usually. If I've been hitting the Woodford Reserve Bourbon prior to turn-in (which I sometimes do because my hand tends to shake while I'm arranging meat in the boxes), there's a chance a line or two will get croaked (notice I didn't say "sung").

Just do me a favor... if you guys do decide to come out here to cook with us, just let us know plenty in advance so we can get lots of sleep before the contest. I'm afraid you'd keep us up all night like you did at the banquet. :twisted::lol::lol::lol:

Two small notes:
1. He howls like a hound after drinking a bottle of cabo:twisted:

2. Michelle - You want him to get his beauty sleep!!! TRUST ME on this one. :cool:
I am not bothered at all by the staement that was made. I am REALLY bothered that not one brethren in that room didnt follow up and heckle "Whether you like it or not....." with "IN MY PANTS"

:eek::eek: Im speechless ref; that comment.

Ya ever think that maybe some of us older and wiser folks dont brag about who we voted fore?

Guess my AARP subliminal training has kicked in, now im being blasted about the winners and loosers.

Sled.............................going silent here.:wink:
Sled brake out the whistle!!! that way they can here the Breteren all know what I am saying,,,I hope to be a cbj by next years election ( if it helps!!)If not I will be casting a vote!!!

I kind of feel that Steve (Sledneck) said it the best.

MY .02....To all that voted good for you! From what i understood a guy by the name of Phil Rizzardi was running. From what i understand that same Phil Rizzardi lost. This is the same Phil Rizzardi that created this site isn't it? A place where everybody comes for free?? A place where you can get advice on any topic whether it be food , your front lawn, whatever and get many responses within minutes. A place some come to relax, blow off steam , for some get psychological help .... Share good experiences as well as tragedies. A place that creates friendships. A place to promote events and products. Phil does this without asking, taking away precious time from his family. Knowing all of this you would figure what the hell would be the big deal about ponying up a measly $35 to join the KCBS and cast a vote for him. Well it didn't happen and its a shame. It is not a requirement to join KCBS or any other organization to be a part of this site but it would of been a nice gesture and a very smart one with concern to the KCBS and its future. But it didn't happen and y'all still have a place to come and bitch about the KCBS as well as many other things. Good job!

We had our shot to get one of us on the BOD and we blew it. Merl, Jim Minion and Linda Mullane can't do it alone. Now it seems we will have the SOS. To you who say you aren't going to join the KCBS because of whats going on over there.......Phooey!!! Thats the wrong thing to do. Think about it.
Here's the deal as it is to me... I have no problem at all with MMA making some money if they're doing some of the things WE as cooks want - if they're changing things to attract new members and sponsors and grow KCBS based on the mission statement that KCBS was founded upon. But don't come in an be changing everything as we know it and DEFINITELY don't be coming in here under false pretense that you're trying to help the KCBS for the better when you're really only interested in what you can bleed from us and how you can change us from a non-profit to big business down the line. As I see it, most non-profits don't need the services of a marketing company long term, if at all. If MMA can get dollar signs glowing in the eyes of KCBS by showing them how things could be, that only means more cash for MMA to get rich on in the future. Let's face it - we, who pay the bills of KCBS sure aren't going to get rich on any of this.

As for not joining KCBS, I agree with Guy - that is the complete WRONG stance to take. Definitely join KCBS and help those of us who don't like the looks of what we see make a positive impact on our organization. As I see it, we have a big role in all of this and we should use our influence because without cooks/teams, they have nothing. I don't mean to sound high and mighty about that but when you get right down to the bottom of things, the teams are the stars of the show. Contests exist because there are teams to cook them. The KCBS exists because there are contests to sanction and members to serve. And judges are judges because there are teams who enter the contests. So based on this, should our opinions matter? Should MMA listen to us? Should the board be held accountable to us and keep us in the loop about what's going on? Absolutely. We're a week into all the hellraising and questions being asked and I don't think we know any more than we did a week ago.
Not even close, 4 years and based on the numbers I crunched it will 5 times that amount for the total life of the contract.

Gee, and you thought they were in the business to just make it better for us :eek:

Now, how many of the MMA directors would come and work under these conditions along side any of us at a competition...

And this was inside the tent at 2:30am.. with a heater running... you can imagine what is was just before daybreak...
In the best post I've read to date by Sledneck, he wrote how $35.00 to join the KCBS and have an opportunity to have an impact on the election of the BOD members was a small price to pay. If nothing else, it would have allowed people to vote for Phil, someone we all respect and are indebted to.

Congrats on the post Steve. Well written, thought out and certainly cogent.

I do want to mention that I checked into it prior to the interview with Merl and you had to be a member prior to the election starting. Following Steve's train of thought, if we are lucky enough to have Phil run against year, we should make a concerted effort to become members of the KCBS prior to the cut-off period.

In the best post I've read to date by Sledneck, he wrote how $35.00 to join the KCBS and have an opportunity to have an impact on the election of the BOD members was a small price to pay. If nothing else, it would have allowed people to vote for Phil, someone we all respect and are indebted to.

Congrats on the post Steve. Well written, thought out and certainly cogent.

I do want to mention that I checked into it prior to the interview with Merl and you had to be a member prior to the election starting. Following Steve's train of thought, if we are lucky enough to have Phil run against year, we should make a concerted effort to become members of the KCBS prior to the cut-off period.

The post you are referring to: the thread killer that no one seems to want to touch with a 10 foot pole
Well, we're one year into this deal now, give or take a few days. I'm just curious about what you all think. What's changed for the better or worse? From my perspective, I haven't seen a whole lot different yet. The members-only section of the KCBS site finally became a reality with a little more than just when your dues are up and how to pay them. Nobody that I know of is charging an extra $25 for non-KCBS teams to enter a contest. So are we turned around and headed in the right direction that we, as members WANT to be headed? Seems that after all of this settled down, everything on the MMA/KCBS relationship front got really quiet most of the year. Maybe I was just too busy to notice?
Whew!!! After reading a dozen or so posts to this thread all I have to say at this point is..."Ignorance is Bliss"...:twisted: I hope you folks get this mess straightened out before I join...IF I join. :eek: I can't imagine being a part of something with so much controversy. Our PNWBA seems a much better place all of a sudden! :p