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Knows what a fatty is.
Jan 20, 2016
East Bethel, MN
Name or Nickame
Brought home a Costco Prime full packer brisket; 18.5 lbs.; $2.99/lb. Took an hour and two naps to trim the dang thing!:wacko: I did some research, and found out that the steer's nickname in his herd was "Lard Ass!" That's some pile of trimmings in the first photo.

I knew I'd have to divide it to make it work on my 18" Weber Smokey Mountain (WSM for newbies) smoker, and I removed the point from the flat and used both racks; with just coarse salt and pepper seasoning and pecan & cherry woods for smoking. I use the "Minion Method" of 1/2 chimney of hot coals poured in the middle of a ring of KBB; keeping the smoker temp kinda low until the meat internal temp gets up to about 130F to get good smoke penetration and then let it buck at 300-325F so it cooks quicker and crispier. Wrap at 180F and pull when it's probe tender.

The second photo is fresh on the smoker with the point below the flat, and the third is finished flat, with wrapped point beside it. Turned out very flavorful and succulent! Damn, I love brisket! Will serve sliced to some friends with killer sauce and then use the rest in a batch of smoked brisket chili! Lard Ass will not have died in vain!:clap2:


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Looks good. Have had the same lard ass brisket from Costco. Lots of trim but it turned out really well separated.
I have been craving brisket and that looks like a great cook. The last few times at Sams I just couldn't bring myself to buying the paper thin flat packers they had.