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The people who complain about gas prices are the same people who blow extra money on smokes, beer and lottery tickets. Not that I have a problem with any of those three things. My point is if you don't want to give up a contest or two you can always save money that you waste on other things you really don't need anyway. If you were to eat off the value menu at at a fast food chain all week for $2 a day for lunch and maybe give up that Starbucks coffee in the morning or 44oz coke after work you would easily have enough money to cover the extra gas. With all that being said we have decided to not take the big 5th wheel to as many contest this year!:p

Sorry bud, competing at BBQ contests is a hobby for my family and I. We do not partake of alot of the things you mentioned but I can safely say that I will not allow my family to change their living habits just to cook another BBQ contest.
I think it is a hobby for most of the people that competes, just like going fishing or a sporting event according what your priorities are
I have had more fun competing in BBQ then any of the other hobbies I have done. Nothing is cheap but i am willing to spend some $ to have some fun in life while I can.
Sorry bud, competing at BBQ contests is a hobby for my family and I. We do not partake of alot of the things you mentioned but I can safely say that I will not allow my family to change their living habits just to cook another BBQ contest.

I agree, just pointing out we waste a lot of money on crap we don't need when you actually sit back and think about it. If we drove 300 miles round trip to a contest at 13 mpg pulling our trailer the cost diffrence between $3 gas and $5 gas would be $46 difference. I would try to save this myself and not involve my family. Pretty sure I could do it in several weeks by cutting those things out.
I say drill here, drill now! And oust any politician who says otherwise! Enough already...and save the corn for the grill. Gas with ethanol cuts my fuel mileage 10% or more.

You have to realize that 'drilling here' does very little to change the price of gas.
America is a member of OPEC and any oil drilled here just goes into the world market.
Until it is running out across other parts of the world our added oil wouldn't change a thing because there is so little here compared to other parts of the world.

Our only chance at lowering prices as a people is using less... then the powers that be will lower costs, to get you to buy more....
Well last year was my first year, we only did one, cancelled two others due to health reasons. So, we will be doing more (4-6) comps this year. Most are within 150 miles or less in TX, a couple will be in Louisiana but have a dual purpose, a comp and visiting family. We don't have a trailer, my 300 lb BWS Fatboy fits to a receiver hitch, so its grab and go ready.
Also, I agree with the drill here, drill now sentiment because I'm in the oilfield hotshot biz (currently on a Orange, CA run), and it adds much needed jobs.
Still a noob to comps, hope to meet some brethren this year in TX and LA! (and other states if we get invites...;))
I dont know about contest but it wil definately make me think aboput getting rid of my oil heater for the downstairs and put in propane like I have in the upstairs
I plan to do 10-12 contests this year, similar to last year. Gas prices will affect maybe 2 contests on my current list. However, if necessary I'd rather pick up another part time job to sustain my BBQ activities :thumb::becky:
It wont hurt us a bit. Even though gas is about $3.75/gallon here, there are no competitions to travel to.....yet. :wink:

We here in Northern Illinois have the same problem... Wisconsin lost 6 out of 7 contests this year... We are looking at doubling (if not more) to go to Southern Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Minnesota... We are looking at cutting back...
Diesel is at 3.43/gal in the middle of Wisconsin---starting to notice the cost now but when diesel was over 5bucks a couple years ago it hurt!
I say drill here, drill now! And oust any politician who says otherwise! Enough already...and save the corn for the grill. Gas with ethanol cuts my fuel mileage 10% or more.
And I agree with you you ever notic how much taxes are on the price of a gallon of gas and the over priceing of the buy-product of gas (diesel) cost at lease .50 more a gallon. It's Our greedy,wastfull goverment...:crazy: sorry for the highJack J.$.
We've been blessed to have a steadily increasing pool of Georgia contests over the past 5 years, so it's rare that we have a need to travel very far to do our typical season of about 10 shows.

That said, we made the decision at the end of last year to downsize our competition trailer to give us more flexibility in the contests we can enter. Smaller gear means we can afford to travel farther and fit into smaller venues.