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Found some matches.
May 20, 2012
Saint Louis, MO
Been awhile since I have been on here, but I had one of those inventive evenings that I thought might be worth sharing tonight so here it is....

I bought a whole pork loin from my local Sams club about a month ago. Divi'd it up into thirds, cooked 1 of 3 after marinating in creamy Italian with lots of seasoned applewood from a tree in the yard. It turned out awesome so I did that again last night (thawed, poked through with a fork, liberal creamy italian overnite). Cooked it indirect on my weber with 3 large split chunks of apple wood trimmed from my apple tree last year. Lifted it at 140 degrees, slapped it in a glass casserole and covered tightly with foil whilst I grilled up some asparagus on the toasty fire that was still brewing in my Weber.

The family gobbled up 2/3rds of the roast and fixings pretty quick and the other 1/3 (along with the juices from resting) went in the fridge for the night. I had a vision over night on what to do with the leftovers and here's what happend next.

Went to the grocery on the way home from work to get ingredients I didn't have on hand to complete the recipe below:

1 medium onion
1 small head of garlic (not a clove, the whole thing)
1 lb. polish sausage (hot with red pepper) - new item at store
1 lb leftover, very well cooked/smoked pork loin...
3 strips thick cut bacon
1 bag of frozen chopped okra
2 cans of spicy tomatoes (red pepper and halapeno)
1+ cup long grain rice
1 can red kidney beans (seasoned-drained)
1 can black beans (seasoned-drained)
1 tbsp cajun seasoning (guessing here, season to taste)
1/2 tsp salt (again guessing)
1 tbsp hot sauce (Franks)

This may sound like a lot of work, but if you have a couple drinks and good music, it can be quite the good time.

Putting it together:

Get out your favorite Chili pot, dutch oven or what not
Cook bacon until nice and crispy, remove
Add drippings from when you rested pork loin (this IS KEY me thinks)
Add chopped onion and garlic, cook till you think its right
Chop the bacon you cooked and throw it back in the pot
Add cubed leftover port loin and sliced polish sausage
Cook till nice and tasty looking
Add dry long grain rice and stir for a minute or two
Add both cans of tomatoes and stir/cook another 5 min over medium heat
Add both cans of beans
Add 2-3 cup of water, bring to boil and add okra
Add salt, cajun seasoning, stir and simmer for 20 minutes or so
Add hot sauce to taste.

Please give this a try and let me know how it turns out!


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"Sounds like a lot of work..." I'l make you a deal. You make it, and I'll eat it. That way I did half the work. :-D
my "go to" meal at the local Mexican restaurant is a smoked pork burrito with a hot and spicy barbecue sauce.

I often have it jazzed up with some fajita spices, peppers and onions, etc. A fajita burrito. Good stuff.