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My "secret" rub is no real secret.....whenever I make my own rub I use KC's Rub out of the Brethren Cookbook (rub recipe #105). The only variation I do is that in place of hickory salt, I use this:


It started out as sort of a necessity since I couldn't find hickory salt at any local store. But....this stuff gives such a unique, awesome flavor that I just stuck with it.
Thanks for the tips! Keep 'em coming!

I am really intrigued by powdered beer and powdered honey.

I love orange soda, so I will have to try to make a sauce with that base. Great tip!
My "special secret ingredients" are smoked paprika, Worcestershire powder, and roasted cumin.

I also use ginger, allspice and cinnamon, but I wouldn't call those "secret".

Kinda secret since they don't have it at the store anymore: Stubb's Rosemary-Ginger Rub. I used it on some ribs, then glazed at the end with a 1/2 honey 1/2 orange marmalade blend with fresh finely chopped rosemary. They were awesome.

p.s. I have a New Braunfels Bandera of course.