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Lot's of folks seem to have a preference. What's yours?

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Generally always have Duke's, or trying something else- then back to Duke's. I usually buy small containers and always arrive at best by and used by dates while quite a bit remains in the jar. Sugar versus No Sugar, type of oil that always appears first on ingredients label is something I need to pay attention too
(link to healthy mayonnaise choices)

ATTST- Duke's, usually but I enjoy trying others. Next up Sir Kensington and Primal based on what they don't include in their ingredients listing.

Fun fact: wife makes a Mayonnaise Cake that uses Miracle Whip. Sometimes I'll sneak a bread slice worth and make a bologna sandwich. Try a bologna sandwich, miracle whip -on white with crushed Fritos or Lays..poor man's lettuce. About one a year or 18 months

Duke's for poll purposes. But I'm not 100% faithful to the brand
Big fan of Sir Kensington's. Other mayo's are okay. Detest MW...too sweet.

Five more for Duke's Mayo

Link to an Allrecipes article on chef selection of Mayo.about a 30 second read

What attracted me to Duke's was the taste and texture what has kept me with Duke's is zero sugar. But as one chef mentioned he does use others too.

But listen, if you make me a sandwich with Hellmann's, Kraft whatever I'm going to be grateful and happy.

Duke's has a following in Mayonnaise circles like Hatch New Mexico does with green chile.

I always have Duke's and MW on hand too. Dukes is the best mayo, and MW for all salads and deviled eggs. However, like was previously mentioned MW is delicious on a Bologna sandwich. Fried or plain.
McCormick's Mayonesa is my first choice. Although it's lime, it doesn't really taste of lime, just a citrus substitute for lemon that others use. It is also the closest to extra heavy mayo that is usually only available in restaurant sizes.
Dukes is my favorite but it's getting pricey. I like Blue Plate too and Kroger had a sale today 2/$7.00 for 30oz jars. I couldn't pass that up.
Im surprised nobody has tried "Heavy" Mayo. Or mentioned Heavy Mayo. I hate grocery store Kraft Mayo, but their Extra Heavy mayo is freaking delicious. Sysco Heavy mayo is my favorite, but its hard to get, there is a lot of other brands i have not tried from places like RD and The restaurant store.

Kraft now calls their Heavy mayo "deluxe" You can buy a gallon for $16 at RD.
RD also sells Hellmans 1 gallon Extra Heavy mayo for $21 at RD. Probably better then any mayo on this list.

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That being said. I use Hellmans/Best Foods, its really what I am used to and always has been consistent. My wife likes Kewpie, but thats her peoples brand (Japan). Mayo is one of my favorite condiments, I always have my hotdogs with mayo and chopped onions (sometimes with shredded cheddar as well).

- G