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The cooks meeting is not mandatory.

It may or may not be, but at most competitions it is listed in the schedule of events as "mandatory", at least down here.

I suppose that is so that if you do not attend and you miss something that causes you to be DAL in every category or some other tragic event, the organizer (and probably the Rep) can ask "were you at the cook's meeting?"...

I understand where you're coming from. That also makes me cringe....if you're cooking a KCBS contest, everything should be the "same" no matter where you're cooking. If a KCBS cooks meeting is/n't mandatory, then, EVERY KCBS cooks meeting should/n't be mandatory.

This whole situation in Myrtle Beach is a mess. Box acceptance, number changing, box "losing", etc. is the ABSOLUTE responsibility of the Contest Reps.
is the ABSOLUTE responsibility of the Contest Reps.

Agreed, but will we even see anything done about it given a Rep is a Board Member? It "might" be handled in Executive Session and if any penalties, we will probably at least hear those. But little has been done to date.

How something seriously impacted a contest in how it was ran and impacted the competing teams does not merit a special session yet an inappropriate apron requires a 3 hour special Exec session is beyond me. I get the need to "protect" the public, but what about the cooks, when this behavior directly impacts the main body the KCBS was designed to assist.
I used to be a Contest Representative. I know the hustle and bustle of the judging area. I know the responsibility of the job. I had repped contetsts that were anywhere from 10-80+ teams. One of the Reps at Myrtle Beach used to be the CONTEST ORGANIZER for Jack Daniels!!! I guess thats why this whole thing just blows my mind.

I know that in the South there are Turn In Table people, and as I recall, they usually wear these "cute" little pins that read T.I.T.S. (why no one has found THAT to be offensive, yet, I don't understand {tongue in cheek}). I believe that some southern Reps get so much "help" from other people that when they get to an "unorganized" contest, and that help is nowhere to be found....some reps can't handle it.

If they saw that the tables were inadequate, they should have said something Friday to the organizers so it could be changed. If they didn't have all the help they needed, then, they should have come up with a plan and taken care of their business! My rule of thumb, when repping....stand there with your Rep partner while the boxes are being accepted and change the numbers yourself. When all the boxes are in, roam the room to make sure things are being done according to the rules. When the first table is done judging and the cards are in, one Rep goes to enter them and the other Rep roams the room until all of the cards are given to the rep keying the cards and then you start all over again.

This can be done for just about every contest except the American Royal and the Lenexa BBQ Battle (LOTSA teams!) and probably others that I'm not familiar with.

Wienie Apron vs TOTALLY dropping the will be interesting to see how this pans out.
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I used to be a Contest Representative. I know the hustle and bustle of the judging area. I know the responsibility of the job. I had repped contetsts that were anywhere from 10-80+ teams. One of the Reps at Myrtle Beach used to be the CONTEST ORGANIZER for Jack Daniels!!! I guess thats why this whole thing just blows my mind.

I know that in the South there are Turn In Table people, and as I recall, they usually wear these "cute" little pins that read T.I.T.S. (why no one has found THAT to be offensive, yet, I don't understand {tongue in cheek}). I believe that some southern Reps get so much "help" from other people that when they get to an "unorganized" contest, and that help is nowhere to be found....some reps can't handle it.

If they saw that the tables were inadequate, they should have said something Friday to the organizers so it could be changed. If they didn't have all the help they needed, then, they should have come up with a plan and taken care of their business! My rule of thumb, when repping....stand there with your Rep partner while the boxes are being accepted and change the numbers yourself. When all the boxes are in, roam the room to make sure things are being done according to the rules. When the first table is done judging and the cards are in, one Rep goes to enter them and the other Rep roams the room until all of the cards are given to the rep keying the cards and then you start all over again.

This can be done for just about every contest except the American Royal and the Lenexa BBQ Battle (LOTSA teams!) and probably others that I'm not familiar with.

Wienie Apron vs TOTALLY dropping the will be interesting to see how this pans out.
One mistake cost people embarrassment, the other cost people money and possibly draws to the Jack and a Royal invite.

I've been at events where volunteers were tight at the beginning. People were sent out into the event to find some bodies to help out stacking boxes or other things to free up other people to handle the turn ins. Worst case some teams would send family members to help out doing things which (I would think) should be fine as long as they're not in contact with the entries to be judged.
Generally though people would volunteer readily once they found out they got to taste a bunch of BBQ.
'if everyone thought before they spoke the silence would be deafening'. I believe that we should give the benefit of doubt to the BOD on this issue and believe that they will make an equitable and just decision sometime in the future, maybe even in our lifetime.
One mistake cost people embarrassment, the other cost people money and possibly draws to the Jack and a Royal invite.

I've been at events where volunteers were tight at the beginning. People were sent out into the event to find some bodies to help out stacking boxes or other things to free up other people to handle the turn ins. Worst case some teams would send family members to help out doing things which (I would think) should be fine as long as they're not in contact with the entries to be judged.
Generally though people would volunteer readily once they found out they got to taste a bunch of BBQ.

I appreciate your point of view. It was a 35 team contest. They should be able to handle that on their own.
I don't know Mack, that particular board member is pretty untouchable. I say she gets a stern warning.

Well the other one just came off of some sort of a probation period due to a problem in tryon a couple of years ago. It will be interesting to see what happens with this.
I appreciate your point of view. It was a 35 team contest. They should be able to handle that on their own.

One would think so.
I was unaware it was that small, from reading all that happened it sounded like it was double or triple in size.
Wow, just wow.
I don't know Mack, that particular board member is pretty untouchable. I say she gets a stern warning.
I had been waiting and waiting and then wow what restraint... Have you gone soft since you got hitched? I am gonna go read some old bigorangesmoker threads lol
I wasn't there so I can't say much other than what I have read here, and make my own opinions like everyone else.

It does sound like a finger has to be pointed to more than one person or group of people.

I agree something needs to be done...

Now here is where it "burns" me. I inquired abt being a rep. I was told there is no need for any more reps in this area at all as there are too many. So, why does a BOD member have to be a rep at contests? I was at one in June and had BOD members as reps.... IF BOD has to be reps, then why do we not need more reps in the area? Seems like someone, or more than one does NOT know what is going on nor what is needed. The way I see it, more reps are needed, and if there is too many, then there would be less in the area that they would have to be used for.... give them a little R&R....

And I also have a hard time seeing why two different governing bodies are doing the same contest... seems like too confusing to me for the teams, organizers, and reps, as to who is doing what and when.... especially when turn ins, etc overlap or are at the same time.

My $0.02 worth... take it for what it is worth and I am going back to my corner now....
IF BOD has to be reps, then why do we not need more reps in the area? Seems like someone, or more than one does NOT know what is going on nor what is needed. The way I see it, more reps are needed, and if there is too many, then there would be less in the area that they would have to be used for.... give them a little R&R....
I think what people sometimes forget is being on the BOD is an unpaid volunteer position. If I wasn't allowed to compete because I'm on the BOD then I never would have run for the position. I believe the reps that are on the board probably feel the same way. If we pass a rule that BOD members can't compete, Rep, judge or instruct classes then who will be left to fill the positions ?
I agree with Steve, reps and cooks should be involved even while on the board. The only issue becomes, is there a double standard when it comes to enforcment of the rules and directives?

I, as a "Dues paying member" of KCBS would hope not, but the action, or lack of action, is leading one to believe that to be the case. This issue cost teams money, cost the organizer teams, and has the potential of actually ending an event for the future due to lack of participation. We all await with bated breath the action (if any) that may be forthcoming. It may even have a bearing on whether I renew my membership or not.
I think what people sometimes forget is being on the BOD is an unpaid volunteer position. If I wasn't allowed to compete because I'm on the BOD then I never would have run for the position. I believe the reps that are on the board probably feel the same way. If we pass a rule that BOD members can't compete, Rep, judge or instruct classes then who will be left to fill the positions ?

Do BoD members that are reps and cbj instructors abstain from decisions that could effect their pay check? Such as how many reps in an area or cbj instructors.

There is a big difference between someone being paid e.g. rep or cbj instructor then a cook or judge who just pay in.
I agree with Steve, reps and cooks should be involved even while on the board. The only issue becomes, is there a double standard when it comes to enforcment of the rules and directives?

I, as a "Dues paying member" of KCBS would hope not, but the action, or lack of action, is leading one to believe that to be the case. This issue cost teams money, cost the organizer teams, and has the potential of actually ending an event for the future due to lack of participation. We all await with bated breath the action (if any) that may be forthcoming. It may even have a bearing on whether I renew my membership or not.

The reason there was a special meeting called about McMinnvilee is because it occurred after the monthly meeting. The board thought it was important enough to address right away and not wait a month for the meeting. The Myrtle beach contest happened last weekend and the board will be meeting this Wednesday so a little more than a weeks time has lapsed. I don't see a double standard. Please correct me if I'm wrong. As far as what if any action will take place regarding the current issue, I can't say I'm not psychic. I can assure you the Myrtle Beach contest will be discussed.