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Let me know if you need anything Rich. I know the area pretty good...... ;)

All the NATO protesters should be gone by next weekend. Another alternative is Brookfield Zoo. Close by as well.
Wow! 44 amateur teams! That place will be jammed!

Not to pick on anyone, but I notice an amateur team called Kyle's Vegan Bakery. Aren't the amateurs cooking pork ribs? :noidea:
This will be my first competition...Eeeek!!!! Nervous and wondering what the heck I got myself into LoL. Im going with my newly founded team - Pornography
Wow! 44 amateur teams! That place will be jammed!

I cooked the amatuer the last two years and they will have their hands full with that team count. Saturday morning will be a mad house on the soccer field. I wish them all well. I plan on loading in Friday afternoon so I will be ready!!!! I'm sure Chris is still looking for additonal folks to judge the amatuer if anyone is interested.
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Hey Gang this is Husky Hog and we will be there. 1st time for this event. I have a ? if yawll know. When do we load in? I have called them 2 times and no call back. Thanks Husky Hog Chicago IL.
Is anybody staying on site Friday night or is everyone getting a room locally and showing back up Saturday? Do they usually have security roaming Friday night? We are arriving Friday but not sure if we should plan on getting a room for that night or just rough it for another night.
Anyone know if they have already confirmed their judges? I signed up a long while ago and never heard anything and that goes for the amateur contest too. Had I known I wasn't going to be selected to judge, I would have liked to have cooked. :cry: Like Ron, I plan to drop by and say hi just the same.

We'll be cookn' at Firin the Fox for certain tho.
They have security Friday night. Many teams stay and enjoy the fun. The carnival and everything else is going on. Send Chris and email. Not sure if Larry who organizes the judging has his posted? Usually they are looking for judges for amateur contest. If they fill up, you can have my seat for judging
This will be my first contest. I'll be in the backyard rib comp. Hopefully i can make it look like i kinda know what i'm doing.

Thanks. I had spoke to Chris Svitak some time ago and thought I was good to go for both pro and amateur, but never heard a word since then. I will send an email and see where I stand. Good luck to you all!
Is anybody staying on site Friday night or is everyone getting a room locally and showing back up Saturday? Do they usually have security roaming Friday night? We are arriving Friday but not sure if we should plan on getting a room for that night or just rough it for another night.

We are coming in Friday to drop the trailer and then staying at the Clubhouse. It is a nice place and stayed there once a couple years ago.

Clubhouse Inn & Suites‎
630 Pasquinelli Drive
Westmont, IL 60559
(630) 920-2200‎
They might have a group rate for the Club house. I gave them the person that I deal with for my BBQ Class.