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is One Chatty Farker
Jun 5, 2013
Seattle WA
Picked up this lil guy at Costco in the prime flat section. 2nd or 3rd time I've been lucky like that :thumb:

Loaded the M1 with mesquite lump and let it get up to 275. Meanwhile rubbed with Carne Costa and Black Ops


After 4hrs and right before wrapping. IT was 170. M1 ran like a champ on about 3 small oak splits.


Wrapped for about 1.5hrs til probe tender. Then rested another hour or so.


Pointy side turned out well. Flat a little overdone :icon_blush:


The wife and I finished the whole thing :hungry: Love the M1 :clap2:
Good Lawd that looks delicious. :hungry:

The M1 is a heck of a cooker.

Thanks Kev :thumb: The mesquite lump ran a bit hotter than I remember so I adjusted the intake which I never did before on the M1. I used some smaller splits and was able to keep it clean for the most part.

Nicely done!!! I miss my M1 :(

Thanks Robby. Seems you made the right choice, if I get a pellet cooker I'll probably go MAK :clap2:
Nice job, lookin' nice and delicious :thumb:

In other news...

I. Want. That. M1! :mrgreen:

I've talked to Travis a bit after doing my research...thinking more and more that one of those is destined for my backyard this year.
Thank you for sharing! That bark looks tasty. Im glad you guys enjoy your M1's.

We have some new products we`re releasing for 2018 I'm very excited about. The first batch of M36's are at paint. I also have a new patio prep table with 3 or 4 (your choice) of compartments to stack and organize logs of wood, charcoal, and storage with a stainless steel prep top and rolling on casters. Hang your grilling tools and even your grates for easy storage. It's very heavy duty and beautiful. We also have the 2018 M1 coming out with minor upgrades.

Keep posting those M1 experiences! I love seeing what you guys are cooking up!
Updates? Any details you are able to share at this time, Travis?

The M1 2018 updates are very minor. I redesigned the lid and body damper to a new look. Instead of the typical "pinwheel" style design that you see on just about every grill out there, I redesigned it to a single larger hole with less restriction. We also made the firebox door intake a littler larger to accommodate the less restricted damper design.

The M36's entire bottom grate raises and lowers and features a dedicated searing section. A smaller stainless grate with walls so you can load plenty of charcoal in a confined area for blazing hot searing. Awesome for 2 or even 3 zone grilling. A 14"x17" firebox basket for larger splits of wood and perfect for longer snake style charcoal setups.

So theres some little teases for you. We have been so busy with the production of our line and getting new equipment in. I will start producing some new videos soon.