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Full Fledged Farker
Jun 18, 2015
Auburn, Il
A couple weeks ago I did a long 6 hr snake style cook for a pork shoulder. I usually just light it using the chimney and dump coals all on one side I the kettle. When I first bought it, I could shut the bottom air intake and the top exhaust and within an hr the coals would be burnt out and would be able to wheel it back into my garage. I would be able to reuse them. Now when I shut it it down they keep burning and nothing is left. The lid has always leaked a little and nothing has really changed, or at least I think so.

Is there a gasket I can buy and put it around the lid for a better seal? Would it work in higher heat temps like 500?? How can I trouble shoot this to find out exactly where it's leaking bc my weber is very well seasoned and only 2.5 years old.

Thanx brethren
Never liked the idea of adding a gasket to a kettle lid. Maybe it is a little out of round- not sure how smoking temps would warp it but grilling with high heat would not (maybe it's a duration thing /shrug). When the lid is on the base, does it feel like it's sitting solidly on the lip- all the way around?

If the lid is out of round, you might be able to tweak it back with gentle arm strength- don't think I'd break out the heavy equipment.
It's sits on there pretty snug IMO. Is there a simple way to test to see if it's out of true? I know for a fact the lid hasn't been dropped or hit. I just don't like the idea that it's not letting my coals be snuffed out this might spend more nights in the weather which in turn shortens the life of it bc of rusting.
Is it one of the One Touch grills? Sometimes the sweeper/vent thingie gets a bit bent up due to small chunks getting snagged during the sweeping action...This is a replaceable part...I think I would check that first...