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Knows what a fatty is.
Aug 17, 2020
Lloydminster, SK, Canada
Name or Nickame
Comments about Weber charcoal.

The plastic resealable bag is not necessary. Just use the bags like Kingsford and Royal Oak do. It would probably be cheaper too.

After handling Weber charcoal, you look like a coal miner who just finished his shift. Kingsford charcoal is cleaner to handle.

Weber charcoal is harder to light if your not using a charcoal chimney. Kingsford lights easily with or without a chimney.

Weber burns longer than Kingsford.

I don’t know which burns hotter, Weber or Kingsford.

Weber produces lots of ash too, like Kingsford.
Weber briqs are bigger. I think they burn hotter than Kingsford, but not RO.
The zip bag doesn't make a difference as Idon't bother to seal it. Home Depot had a sale at the end of last year. I picked up 30 15lb bags for $.99 each!!
If I was paying full price, I'd stick with RO.
My experience has been that KBB produces quite a bit more ash than Weber briquettes.
Just reposting for those who missed it, more comments needed!!

Brethren, I just got off the phone with the main assistant to the Ceo of Weber-Stephens. I wanted to find out the status of their charcoal sales; and, unfortunately, the have stopped selling it because it was not "cost effective".
The lady I talked to, Rea Kulick, whom was as upset at this as I , and probably you are. She too, would also prefer to use this product, and feels it is the best on the market, and not just because she works there (for many years); but because she knows what a great product it is and has used it for many years.
She has the ear of the CEO and Chairman of the Board, and she hopes that we can help in making them change their minds about this decision.
So Brethren, I would like to propose an E-Mail / Letter writing campaign to convince them to bring the Charcoal back. Even if you dont use it, help the community have a choice of products.
Her E-Mail Address is: [email protected]
The mailing address is:
Weber-Stephens Products
C/O Rea Kulick
1415 S. Roselle Rd.
Palatine Ill. 60067

When You write or Email, tout the quality of the product versus the other products on the market. The better burn, the longer lasting burn, the lack of ash build up, the lack of chemical smell. Also state if you use it in competition, and the amount you buy and go through. And what you are willing to purchase if it is avalible.

We have seen some of the best quality charcoals being stopped because of "Cost Effective" decisions by other companies. I dont want the cheaper quality products to be all we have to work with because we failed to stand up for the products we want to use.
Kingsford Blue is pretty nasty, but the Weber briqs were way too expensive for briquettes. They're good, but not worth the money. In 9/10 instances I prefer lump anyway. Burns cleaner and is a much better value.