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Pat, it's TOP SECRET!!!!!! :laugh:
2.5# of mac
1/2 big block of velveeta
bout that much heavy whipping cream
Crushed up croutons on top then top with colby jack cheese
Goes in the oven til the top looks good.
I've found cubing up the velveeta and stirring it till mixed works best.

OMG that's almost exactly how I just made some, the heavy whipping cream is the key!!!

I've never seen a recipe using the whipping cream but figured it made sense and it sure was good!
Well now I can't give you any more recipes. I said TOP SECRET!!!!!

Well got almost everything cooked for today Blind Veterans lunch in Ann Arbor. Last cook of the year for our Veterans.

Thanks again to all of you who have helped us in so many ways

Merry Christmas
Yesterdays lunch went really well, as usual.

These Veterans were so grateful and really enjoyed everything.
It was a great time visiting with them for a couple hours and just shooting the sheet.

Thanks again for looking in and all the donations to help these Veterans enjoy a Christmas lunch of some good food
Hey guys, keep me in the loop the next time you cook for the vets in Ann Arbor. I live in Ypsilanti, work in Ann Arbor. I'd love to help if possible. They definitely deserve our thanks.

I served from 87-92. At no time was I ever in harms way. I missed going to Kuwait by six days. A week before it kicked off I was sent to Kunsan, S. Korea. S. Korea couldn't afford to send any troops.

I was in Panama in the Fall of 88. That was interesting.

Military was awesome. Met my wife in 88, and had our first kid in 89. Wouldn't have any of that without the service :)

Anyways, if there is a dinner coming up, or something scheduled this spring/summer please let me know.
