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somebody shut me the fark up.

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Jan 16, 2013
A scene occurred by firelight last night that is etched indelibly in my brain. I don’t eat much if at all after 2pm. It was a long day taking my elderly mother for a tooth extraction. A 90 second figure eight with stainless wire cutters turned into 2.5 hours while The DDS awaited her anxiety driven skyrocketed blood pressure to return to earth.

Anyway last evening we took her a malt with chocolate shavings. It was a raw day on The High Plains Of NW Texas so started a small hickory fueled fire in the fireplace turned on Chicago PD on an upward OTA Channel and settled in with 32 Oz of 2000 mg of Vitamin C. Hate doctors office critters.

Just settling in when I hear The Bride in the kitchen. After a few minutes she returns with a bowl of Rotel Dip and a sack of Frito.
By the firelight and the gunfire on the TV she ate that melted brick of creamy tomato green chile processed cheese goodness.

She offered, I refused.

Velveeta, a quality of life issue
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I always wondered how ubiquitous the Velveeta/Rotel dip is.'s been a fixture at parties since I was a kid and I'm sure way earlier. Is it a Texas thing? Southwest? Southern? All of America?
It's been everywhere I've been. Oklahoma to Texas to Louisiana and back to Texas
I always wondered how ubiquitous the Velveeta/Rotel dip is.'s been a fixture at parties since I was a kid and I'm sure way earlier. Is it a Texas thing? Southwest? Southern? All of America?
I've lived in northwest PA my whole life and it's been here as long as I can remember... I'd say it's a national thing...
Never liked the deluxe version of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese either. Ya know...the one with a can of cheese-like goo in the box. The regular Kraft M&C with the packet of powdered cheese substance was better, mixed with butter and milk.
As a kid Velveeta was the go to for grilled cheese to go along with our Campbell's Tomato Soup. It's been many decades since I have had Velveeta, sure brings back a lot of memories. Hard to beat Velveeta melted into a pan of sauteed ground beef, diced onion and jalapenos.
My last fatty I stuffed with onions and Velveeta. I got to say it was pretty good at breakfast time. Needed some jalapenos though.