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like Brooklyn said, the "real italian" way to serve pasta is to undercook your pasta a little and toss it back in the pot with the sauce and cook it for another minute. Almost sounds like the KCBS standard actually, because sauce is not pooled on top.
We're talkin presentation here. Some things done at home just wouldn't be right in my place.
Mixing it all together would look (to me) like somone blew chunks on a plate!
HoDeDo said:
My roomies in college swore I was black...
First, it was my Zapp, and Chuckii Booker
Then, they said only a black guy puts sugar in his rice &/or Mac n cheese
Turns out I eat black spaghetti too :wink:

Couple that with my large.... smoker, and holy cow, they may have been right. :twisted:

Good thing you never had Crocs to wear at college, Andy! Leave them damned things at home! Yer killin' us! Especially with the white socks! :lol:
Rockaway BeachBQ said:
like Brooklyn said, the "real italian" way to serve pasta is to undercook your pasta a little and toss it back in the pot with the sauce and cook it for another minute.

and then add enuf grated romano to turn it to red mud!!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. :)
i must be black too. :mrgreen:

Actually I mix it in the pot, then put more on top when i serve.. does that make me both? or half each. ?

Phil is definitely "down with the swirl":twisted:

and then add enuf grated romano to turn it to red mud!!

Now you're talkin' my game!!!

Once again, great lookin' eats Joe!!
bbqjoe said:
We're talkin presentation here. Some things done at home just wouldn't be right in my place.
Mixing it all together would look (to me) like somone blew chunks on a plate!

Joe, with all due respect, are you saying that all us "Italians" have been doing it wrong all this time? :)
During all the years I spent in Italy I can't say that I ever thought the pasta looked like someone blew chunks on it.

We always finish pasta in a pan over a flame so it can be lightly covered with a sauce. In our view, Americans tend to over cook and over sauce pasta.

In saying that, I believe that you should eat what you like and how you like it.
Joe, with all due respect, are you saying that all us "Italians" have been doing it wrong all this time? :)
During all the years I spent in Italy I can't say that I ever thought the pasta looked like someone blew chunks on it.

We always finish pasta in a pan over a flame so it can be lightly covered with a sauce. In our view, Americans tend to over cook and over sauce pasta.

In saying that, I believe that you should eat what you like and how you like it.

I wasn't trying to convince ANYBODY of ANYTHING. I don't know where you come off with this horse pucky. I just posted a picture of a farkin dinner special.
GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!! Lighten up!

P.S. There's more than one Italian on this board. I guaranty it. CAPICE?
Hmmm...Hannibal conquered Rome. Bunch of Africans raping and pillaging in Italy for years. Now Italians and Blacks have curly hair, long johnsons, curse a lot and eat spaghetti the same way.

bbqjoe said:
I wasn't trying to convince ANYBODY of ANYTHING. I don't know where you come off with this horse pucky. I just posted a picture of a farkin dinner special.
GEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!!!!!! Lighten up!

P.S. There's more than one Italian on this board. I guaranty it. CAPICE?

Dont worry Joe, Guido will have to answer to NY before he can do anything to you:biggrin:
Sledneck said:
Dont worry Joe, Guido will have to answer to NY before he can do anything to you:biggrin:
Thanks. That's a good thing to know. I didn't want to bother my brothers
Vinny and No neck at this late hour.
Bigmista said:
Hmmm...Hannibal conquered Rome. Bunch of Africans raping and pillaging in Italy for years. Now Italians and Blacks have curly hair, long johnsons, curse a lot and eat spaghetti the same way.


Did you ever see the movie True Romance? Reminds me of a great scene from that movie......
Hot dogs are just wrong.

Sausage? Yes.

Hamburger? Yes.

Ground Turkey? Yes.

Chicken? Pushing it, but yes.

Hot dogs? No.

Hot dogs require chili, onions, cheese, jalapenos and a bun.

He is right though. A lot of black people but hot dogs in their "Spaghetto". I just eat
This is like the difference between soul and country (None) Black and White (None) Italian and American Italian (None) Real Italians those that are born there and not the NY version (knew someone who went there once) Presentations vary from region to region, family to family, and urgency to urgency. Even though I have eye teeth they don't see anything (Stevie Wonder teeth) so the taste is the key the rest is just green leafy lettuce or eye candy. Joe That looks Great wish I had a scratch and sniff spot on my computer.
This thread has taken a weird turn.
Amazing how we get from "here" to "there" sometimes :lol:

Hannibal was probably caucasian. Carthage was a colony founded by the Phoenicians in what is now modern Tunisia, which is about 125 miles southwest of Sicily. The depictions of Hannibal on Carthaginian coins/artwork, he appears to be a white man. Consider the society Hannibal came from, had Hannibal been of a Sub-Saharan African origin, he would not been able to advance in Carthage.

Why do I know this? It was a debate topic when I was in Grad school.
While you guys are arguing, I plan on eating your spaghetti. I don't care if its black or white it looks damn good to me!!
Brauma said:
While you guys are arguing, I plan on eating your spaghetti. I don't care if its black or white it looks damn good to me!!

The spaghetti does look good. I always liked it the next day, cold or fried up in a skillet.