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Bung plug

I wonder why people put 2 valves on a drum. My thinking is have one control point. I have 3 3/4" nipples, 2 with caps and one with valve. I start my drum with one cap off and valve full open. As temp comes up I choke off valve. In the event i close valve I install cap, open valve full and continue to adjust. If more heat needed with valve full open, remove cap, close valve to 1/4 and adjust. Seems like balancing 2 or more valves causes problems and added expense.

Sounds like a good design.

I wouldn't want to try and control temps with 2 valves, not sure I even want one. I have had such an easy time controlling temps on my BDS and the two clones I've made of it (uses bungs like swamprb shows not intakes w/valves) that I just don't see the need to complicate things. For example the two I've made I ended up giving away and both the guys had zero experience with smokers but after showing them once how they work they both turn out some GREAT 'que now.

No need to reinvent the wheel fellas. :wink:

It's not been a problem with 2 valves on mine. I start out with both wide open and throttle both down to about 1/4 - 3/8 open when I get close to temp. I felt that air coming in from both sides would give a more even burn. Having two 1" pipes 4' tall also makes some nice handles to move it around with:rolleyes:.
No probs with my 2 valves. One runs open all the way while the other is open just less than 1/2 way to keep 250F. Biggest problem I had was air leaks at the lid.
Got mine solved. I ground the top lip down a little more to let the lid go on further. Also drilled a small hole to run the temp probe through. I was able to maintain anywhere from 225 up to 275 easily. I ran it yesterday for about 8 hours playing with the temps. Now all that's left is start cooking on it.
Sounds like a good design.

I wouldn't want to try and control temps with 2 valves, not sure I even want one. I have had such an easy time controlling temps on my BDS and the two clones I've made of it (uses bungs like swamprb shows not intakes w/valves) that I just don't see the need to complicate things. For example the two I've made I ended up giving away and both the guys had zero experience with smokers but after showing them once how they work they both turn out some GREAT 'que now.

No need to reinvent the wheel fellas. :wink:


I used 2 valves when I built mine because I already had them and it was my 1st build. I don't see the difference between using a bung plug or just shutting one valve down. I also do not have to worry about burns.

My luck is not as good as some regarding getting the temp to stay around 225º without constant changes to the valves.

I also thinking that having 4 intakes would help even out the temps. Still learning.