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Full Fledged Farker
Jun 22, 2014
Denare Beach, Canada
Since I cant find the post I already started on this build, I will start another. My buddy and I are building 4 UDS's one each for ourselves and one each for friends. between the 4 there will be 3 different air intake systems. One will be just your basic ball valve intake with a flat lid. Two will have a slide type intake and a flat lid and a domed lid. Mine will have an even different intake and a domed lid. Three of them will be set up with 2 cooking grates, cold smoking fitting, and lots of air flow to help get the temps up for pizza.
Here is whats done so far.

My buddy doing the bad job

Making the exhaust for the flat lids out of 1/8" stainless with 1 1/8" holes

I am waiting for my bigger step drill bit to finish drilling the hole in the lid

Air intake on two of them. Those are going to be 1 1/8" holes. Waiting for the same bit to finish these also

My intake for my drum with 1 1/4"



All 4 drums as of right now

I clicked thinking I'd see one UDS being built...then there are four! Day made!

Love the different layouts...always interesting to see what people come up with on a UDS.
I haven"t had much time to work on these things Other than what seemed like days and days (actually was days) of wire wheel buffing my 2 barrels out, but they are down to bare metal now. my buddy did his earlier. I have the one that I am building for a friend done and ready for paint. It is the standard 3 ball valve UDS nothing special. I have my air intake tacked on and will finish welding it tomorrow. I will get some pictures for tomorrow.
Ok here are the pictures that I promised. I had some issues with the air intake on my drum. Everything was fine until I welded it on. The heat from the welding pulled the face of it where the slide rides and warped it so he slide didn't fit flat. I was even careful when I welded it and just tacked small sections and let it cool before continuing to weld but the thin barrel metal still warped and pulled it. So, I cut it off, straightened it out and took a different approach to welding it on. Once the face of it was flat and straight again I welded a heavy piece of angle to the face to keep it from pulling again and followed the same tacking procedure for welding. Once it was cool. I removed the angle and things worked out the way I wanted this time. BTW don't look at my crappy welds. It's a bit tricky welding this thin stuff. I'm used to thicker stuff.

with the angle in place

Everything sitting in place and working fine. Next....paint

I had to paint all the parts prior to tacking the small frame to the intake so that everything was coated to prevent rusting. This way the interior sections of the parts are painted. Once the paint dries I will tack it together. You will see what I mean in upcoming posts.

I found a little brother for the four barrels. Guess what my next project is?

This is the one I am making for a friend. It's done and waiting for paint.

I start days off tomorrow and I hope to have my two barrels done and painted with in a few days. My buddy has a bit more work to do to his two.
You do nice work! I like the angle iron trick you used to keep the drum from warping :thumb: That's dedication to wire wheel all the exterior paint too, I just used a weed burner on mine.
Save yourself a ton of time and welding.

Once you have spot welded your intake vents into place and instead of completely welding the seams, simply fill the seams with Rutland fire resistant black RTV.

I did complete seam welds on my first UDS, what a PIA. Now I just spot weld and fill the seams with RTV. I tape off the area and apply the RTV. Let is dry and pull the tape, nice straight seam fill. I've built several over the past few years and the RTV is still holding and sealing.

I had to modify the hinges from the donor Q. They didn't fit with the way this barrel is necked down. Also put a second coat of paint on the intake parts. Just have to weld on my nipple for my cold smoker and it is ready for paint.

You can see that on the stock bracket that the holes just don't match up, so I had to improvise again

finished hinge closed


Don't know if I want to go with the extra rack or not. I can always install it later

I had some time to get the mini done and will be seasoning it tomorrow for my first trial run. I put two cooking rack in this also so that I could double up on a rib cook if I wanted. I only have one rack right now. I need to pick up one more ball valve also. Next is to paint the full size ones
