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is Blowin Smoke!
Mar 16, 2010
Northwestern Wisconsin
I like brussel sprouts! Yes, I admit it. However, the rest of my family does not. Every once in awhile I take a stab at sneaking some in on my family in the hopes that I will be able to convert one of them to my side. When I was at the grocery store the other day, it just so happened that brussel sprouts were on sale. It also happened that breakfast sausage was on sale. That was enough to trigger a devious plan for a new presentation of brussel sprouts that would well with Halloween coming up. I.E. the trick part of trick or treat.


Now, I'm a huge fan of scotch Eggs so, you can imagine what is about to come next.
Some got dusted with Pig Pollen, some with Chicken Dust.


Then onto the UDS they went, cruising at 250 for about an hour and 30. The sausage was cooked well before then but, I wanted the sprouts to soften up and that's why I ran it a bit longer.

They looked really darn good when they came off, almost like regular meatballs. In fact, everyone in my house thought they were.


All that was left was to give them a taste...


Holy cow! Darn good! I like the Pig Pollen ones the most but, both remind me of smoke pastrami and cabbage. Great flavor combo! My oldest daughter tried one and said they kind of reminded her of eggrolls. She had 3 and that's only because I stopped her from having more.
Theses are definitely going to be one of the Tricks I bring to any Halloween party that I go to this year!
I know it's been awhile since I posted so, thanks for looking. :thumb:
I like it, great idea right there. Next to cheese, meat is definitely a good place to hide your veggies. :thumbup:
I can't lie. At one point I did wonder what they would be like dipped in cheese as well. Mmmmmm...

Good to see you again Butsz!
Thanks Phu! Nice to finally be able to make time to not only take pictures of food but actually post about it as well.
I think if you take the core out and stuff cheese in there, that would cover all bases. I'm not sure what kind of cheese to use. What would melt enough to get between the leaves?
Awesome idea. I'm going to try some wrapped in my breakfast sausage/italian sausage mix of leftovers lol. I think I'll notch out the hard core and put a small square of cheese in them too.
Great post. Another example of why you're one of my favorite posters. :thumb:

I too like brussels sprouts, but my wife is not so much of a fan. I might have to try this. Interesting.

btw, no sauce???? :shocked:
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Going to give this a try today.:clap:
I microwaved the brussel sprouts for 5 mins before rolling them up like meatballs with maple sausage.
Then i rolled them in some Butt Glitter.
They just went on the smoker.
Maybe they will be done in time for lunch.:cool:
