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Guys, I'm sorry, but I have NO IDEA how Ray's took #1 here. After hearing about folks rave about it on this forum, I went to wally world and bought the biggest jug of Ray's Honey Sauce I could find. YUCK. It was thick, had a "dark' taste to it.
I just don't see what others see in that sauce. It just has a "factory, store bought taste" (can some of you imagine what I'm trying to describe?) - far from a sweet 'n spicy, homemade flavor.
I think you are missing a chunk of the sauce market out there by thinking that. I have sent my sauce to a few of those review sites and in fact have gotten quite a bit of business out of it. you never know who is reading those sites. You have quite a few small stores and internet resellers who go to those sites to find out whats out there among the thousands of sauces for them to carry in their inventory.
To me its great advertising at the mere cost of a shipping a bottle of sauce in mail.

I hear what you're saying. There can be a bit of business generated off of what would appear to be a very minimal cost on the sauce makers end of things. Unfortunately, when you start getting a couple of requests a day for you to "let (someone) help you out by reviewing your sauce." and all you see is shipping bills adding up, it causes you to become rather jaded towards these sites.
1) SBR marketing is pure genius. Standing around our local football venue during tailgate time, one can almost get run over by the SBR crew of scantly clad ladies tossing free bottles from their modified golf cart. I must admit, I've taken a few home..... BUT

2) We rarely "enhance" our fine Q'd meats by dumping anything that contains sugar (corn syrup), liquid smoke or MSG. I like what the lump coal in the cooker does for flavor. Never brick-etts.

That being said, VERY few sauces get opened in our house. We'll make our own!
Since I've been on here learning how to cook real bbq I started using less sauce on my ribs and most of the time leave my ribblets and trimmings dry. My friends and family love pouring on the sauce though. My favorite to this day is still Bull's Eye original. I get SBR and KC Masterpiece cuz they come in the 2 pack at Sam's Club and they're cheap, but if I ever see Bull's Eye on special I buy plenty of it. The Jack Daniels sauces were a big disappointment to me. I still need to try Famous Dave's but their rub discouraged me from trying anymore of their products.
I'm glad Head's Red is on there, but I think it should be higher - I suspect it will be next year :)

Also, if the Simply Marvelous Cherry sauce ever gets bottled, they'll be another Brethren on the list. ;)
Having listened to the podcast where they describe how the scoring was done, I knew the list was basically just going to be a "here's what's out there and people like". The order is pretty meaningless - no critical review at all. Take it for what it is...
Ya know, they make red ones, green ones, yellow ones, white ones, black ones, and purple ones so everyone can get the one they want this time. I love lemon merangue pie (my mama's), but I wouldn't want a steady diet of it either... If SBR has a better marketing team than say, Kraft, I guess that speaks for itself.

I like SBR Sweet & Spicy and use it as my "go-to" sauce. I also like Cattleman's, McKenna's, KC Masterpiece.

Taste is so subjective... It's like music - some I like - some I don't. But all the music I own, I voted with my purchase.