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What kind of TD Voting do you prefer

  • I prefer results hidden while in progress

    Votes: 42 56.0%
  • I prefer results shown while in progress

    Votes: 33 44.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I wrote up a big post this morning and my PC promptly It did not happen!

Here goes.

I entered the TD's because I thought it was fun. I learned so much from other entries and like others failed miserably. I don't use a fancy camera and still use my phone for pics. For me it is not about photography or touching up a photo. What you see is what it is!

For me the voting is about the whole cook not just the entry picture. Thats my choice. if others want to vote on a picture and not look at the cook - Thats fine - its there choice. I wont vote for myself because I think it is wrong - not a rule. It's a charactor thing

Besides it making me get batter and bring more in my entries, the best part is the friends I have made in these contests. Many cases there have been PM's with other members especially if it is a close race and the sportsmanship is awesome. sometimes it is public and othrs is in PM. But it is honest brotherhood.

I dont really care how it is decided to go but I would miss the bantering and the opertunity for a Mango!

On prizes, that is not why I do it. It's nice and rewarding but the first win was a n honor to be selected out of the other great entries we have every TD.

I am still going to smoke, cook, eat, drink, hunt, fish, and hang out at a fire. Sharing that with my friends is a bonus.

I appreciate all that this fourm is and the mods for making it so we can have these. They do really deserve recognition.

sorry if I rambled - Wish you all the best
Couldn't have said it better SD :thumb::thumb:i agree 100%
I've participated in some of the TD's and had fun doing it.
Like others have said it's not about the prize or the win. It's ALL about the fun of being involved and trying to be creative with your dish and the way you present it.

I really don't care for the blind poll though. Just think about all the fun we've had in the past with tight races. The Dagwood TD comes to mind as one of the best since I've been here.

This was all for fun and not to burden the Mods with policing the vote thread.

I mean they donate their time and we are adults, not lil kids, we know right from wrong. Now lets play nice and actually have fun doing these TD's

Now someone go milk Peeps I ain't even thinkin bout that :bolt:
While I don't enter the throwdowns, I really do enjoy seeing all the creations and great food dishes made by the Brethren here.

It's like eating with your eyes... Some go to great lengths to prepare the plate for a great photograph, even pairing with other foods to make one drool.

Some have great pictures, some may not, but it doesn't mean the best picture is the most appealing to me. Some of the mediocre pictures have been my choice in voting. One can look and see what actually was entailed in getting the finished product, to me that also carries weight along with diversity and sometimes just being different and skirting the envelope of the cook.

Bottom line is that all the entries are great, and even if one is not the winner, they have inspired me to try something different and expand the horizons of my tastes.

I liked the fact that you could check everyday and see the progress of each entry, but now the blind vote also intrigues me waiting to see the final result to see what appeals to me and how it lines up with others...

Thanks to Phil and the many Moderators who have kept this board in operation over the years. It may not be perfect, but they make it a really, really great place to be part of, and they try to have a little bit of something for everyone. They all have given countless hours to make this a better place for all.

Kudos to all of you on a job well done!!!!

Hey! You said kudos too. ;)

DD, I was a bit unclear about the maple syrup. I loves me some. But to be DQ'd by a syrup "type"...I think is going to far overall.

I undertstand it, under a master throw down, the requirement wasn't met, but Dayum.

Or like say the category was "cook with maple syrup"...

I think the rules should just be a bit less restrictive.

I dunno, girls just wanna have fun. ;)
A couple more thoughts. This one won't be so long...

I entered the TD's because I thought it was fun. I learned so much from other entries and like others failed miserably. I don't use a fancy camera and still use my phone for pics. For me it is not about photography or touching up a photo. What you see is what it is!

Good post, SD I wanted to mention that you don't need a fancy camera to take better pictures. All of my TD pictures are taken with my iPhone 6, and the only thing I do to them is crop out distracting stuff that may be on the edge of the picture and us the auto correction feature in Picasa to correct the color. Half the time I don't even do that.

DD, I was a bit unclear about the maple syrup. I loves me some. But to be DQ'd by a syrup "type"...I think is going to far overall.

In that case, maple syrup was required to be in the final dish, and that was clearly spelled out in the TD announcement.

I think the rules should just be a bit less restrictive.

Are they really that restrictive? In a nutshell the rules are...

  • Smoke or grill something in the specified timeframe.
  • Make sure that it fits the category (if the category has special rules, those are chosen by one of you, not the mods, but you all told the mods that you wanted that enforced)
  • Tell folks that you are entering
  • Take and post pictures (and ID the one to use for the vote thread)
  • Get your entry posted before the TD closes.
  • Follow forum rules

The part that gets most folks is not reading either those simple rules, or the TD category. Once in a while there is a late entry, but those are rare. In the case of folks not telling us that they are entering our which picture to use, the mods go out of their way to fix that before the TD closes. So that's really only two rules that cause DQs, and those are easily preventable by reading.
God points.

Hi Ron, I agree about the syrup in that instance. I more meant as an over all approach to cooking. Maybe a bad example on my part.

Restrictive was also maybe a bad word choice. Maybe "literal" would've been better.
I really don't have a strong preference but voted to show in progress results. While I'm not particularly competitive with my cooking I do appreciate watching and occasionally weighing in when something really catches my eye. There are so many great cooks and dishes presented in these throwdowns I enjoy watching and it really motivates me to try new things.

I guess I would like to see throwdowns continue with the least amount of regulation and whatever makes it easiest for the mods, IMO they do a great job and already work to hard herding us cats.

And, just for the record, I don't mind an occasional PM reminding me to take a look at the throwdown part of the forum; everything I've ever received has been just that, a reminder, not soliciting a vote.

Just my $.02.
I was not going to vote but after reading my own posted in favor of seeing the results.

On the DQ's. It seems the dilly bar is like a zero. Is some cases it is an honor. The current clusterfark TD has some great opertunities to get a few. It was intended to (I beleive) make people read and follow the rules or maybe find holes in them. In any case it is adding a level of fun to it. look at all the posts in that thread!

If you don't like the rules or what is being cooked - don't enter. Not every TD is for everyone. The Flower pot VS WSM - I don't own either but enjoyed seeing the entries and the banter between the sides

Thanks - BTW, I'm not milking Peeps!
Well I just checked the vote over on the Masters thread again, I'm hoping that's just a force of habit and not my memory completely failing:tsk:...still can't see who's winning.

That still sucks.

If I turned on the TV to check the score of the football game and they said, sorry we can't show you until the game is over... well that's about how this feels. Doesn't make much sense to me, no offense to the mods.
I think one of the reasons consensus is difficult to get is because we are smart people with good ideas and passion. Yes, I said we were smart. I know I don't always act that way. Because we are so smart and passionate I think we need rules to compete on the large scale we do in TDs. I know I have given support to the blind vote (not blind entry) but that may be because I'm sick over the idea my siblings could have put so much effort into cheating. I read the official verdict the proof was circumstantial and that we don't have official rules to ban that kind of action anyway. The fact that we appear to need a rule to declare such bad form cheating is ridiculous. Knock it off, farker, farkette or farkers, you're ruining the TDs.

I'm against letting the voters decide everything. I've heard "I can tell which is the best by looking at the polling photos" enough times to feel annoyed every new time I hear it. No, you can't tell a lot of the time and I don't mean because of photo quality. You don't know if they spent two hours making a sauce or bought it in a bottle. You don't know if they made their own rub, baked their own bread or smoked bones in water for 4 hours to make the stock they used to cook the rice in the photo. You can't see how many steps someone has taken to get that final snapshot in many, many cooks. Another reason I'm against letting the voters decide everything is some of them don't read the theme, they vote for the typical things already talked about in this and other threads. I think having rules instead of letting voters decide in this particular instance help more than they hurt… as well as other circumstances. I expect us not to fully agree what the rules should be, as long as they help more than they hinder I'm okay with them. I think the mods do a good, fair job, I support them and their work. I could not do it myself, I'm grateful we have so many that have stepped up to volunteer for this work.

Do I enter to win? No. The last year or so I barely check the vote tally though that's as much a time thing as not cooking just to win. Do I respect a brother or sister that went to great lengths to be creative within the boundaries of the theme? Absolutely and most definitely yes. I see who works from scratch, I see who is creative, I see who cooks in a way I never thought to, I see who has the heart to show a dish for public critique even though the idea of doing that scares the beejees out of them. I respect these farkers, I want to be like these farkers. I love the way we support and congratulate newbies in the TD forum, it's one of the reasons I think we are such a fantastic bunch. The TDs inspire us to be better, cheating has no place here. I'd like to move forward from the last vote failure and get back to what TDs are really about, the food we make.
No need to check Jason.

The igles are losing 28-3 in the 4th.

That's low you bastage.

For the record I would've said the same thing to you if we would've just won the super bowl...or any super bowl for that matter. :tsk:

In Chip we trust...until he farks up that is.

Trading Shady...he better land Mariota...

In hindsight I probably should've used a rugby match as my analogy considering the OP. :-D

Either way, when I click on that vote thread and see the results hidden, I can't help but feeling like I'm being treated like a 2 year old.

Now please forgive me but, Rant ON.

I can't help but think no matter what the rules are that by having a DQ and making the mods police this thing like they haven't got better things to do, there will always be someone unhappy.

For that reason I am in favor of letting the voters decide what happens. If that means get rid of the prizes then so be it. You don't get to see who's winning until after you vote, who voted for who is always hidden, only vote totals show up. The peoples power is in their vote.

If some farker wants to enter chicken into a rib throwdown then let him. Just don't vote for that dumb arse. If it's funny enough and enough of his friends around here get it then he'll win. So what, that means the majority of the people paying attention get it. To me that means the people who actually follow along with the TD's get it and have the majority vote. If someone doesn't like it they can either get over it or stay out of it. This overwhelming need to find new entrants is following the trend of political correctness that inevitably leads to more problems.

Don't get me wrong I want new people to enter the TD's, but guess what? They always have and they always will. It's called competitive spirit and in this version of our battlefield/game/for funzies thing we got going here that competitive spirit must be accompanied by a little thick skin and some good sportsmanship and maybe a little common sense.

The TD's and this forum in general have taught me a lot about being a good sport, how to respect others opinions and the true meaning of camaraderie, not to mention how to cook ribs or even Spamfish if I so choose.

This country was founded on the principal of letting the people choose what they want, I see no reason why voting in some contest on the internet organized by bbq fanatics, entered by bbq bretheren and voted on by intelligent people needs to be any different. You would think that mentality would work here, I mean a story about the flag being forced down had our collective hands in an uproar. We are the people dammit!

The thing that I think can be gained by letting the people decide is that if you justly deserve to win, you will always have a chance if it's up to a group of intelligent like minded people to decide your fate. If you're a dumb arse like me and can't follow the rules, then you'll more than likely get whats coming to you.

Rant OFF

Lets call this a PSA for the newbies thinking of getting into the Throwdowns.

Most of the friends I have here have come from the throwdowns, they might be a group of schizophrenic half sane wackadoodles, but what can I say, I love them anyway. Even Guerry for calling me out in the Masters TD, now while I did threaten to drive to Memphis to pound on him, he was in the right by doing so even if it upset me, I actually still love him and I'm pretty thankful he still calls me a friend. What I learned from that is that you can't always win, even if you think you might deserve it. That's the mentality you have to have to enter the TD's plain and simple. I mean, if someone sees a violation, then call it out, let the people know, let them use their judgment, if someone only looks at the pictures to vote, so what, that's what they care about, if someone only votes based on the entry description, so what, voting by following along with the banter and the violation call outs, so what, we're never all going to vote with the same criteria no matter how much we wish it were so.

So in the voice of my forefather Bigabyte:

Get off your pansy asses, all you scared farkers, worrying about what a bunch of fat lazy BBQ guys and hot skinny BBQ chicks might think of you and enter the farking contest you farking sissy. Worried that you can't cook a proper rib, fark that! Boil that chit and get in the game! No better way to learn than to get your teeth kicked in. Worried that you can't take pretty enough pictures, get the fark over it, look back through the TD's and see all the chitty farking pics we all entered our first time around. You might just find a good reason to buy that new farking camera you wife won't let you buy. Are you afraid to learn something you pansy arse bastages? How bout you grow a set and challenge yourself, learn to take a beating or how to properly revel in victory. Just don't get caught up in all the mamby pamby crying and farking complaining that I'm always doing and get farking involved and if you don't farking like it then vote you lazy farkers!!!

Too much?
So in the voice of my forefather Bigabyte:

Get off your pansy asses, all you scared farkers, worrying about what a bunch of fat lazy BBQ guys and hot skinny BBQ chicks might think of you and enter the farking contest you farking sissy. Worried that you can't cook a proper rib, fark that! Boil that chit and get in the game! No better way to learn than to get your teeth kicked in. Worried that you can't take pretty enough pictures, get the fark over it, look back through the TD's and see all the chitty farking pics we all entered our first time around. You might just find a good reason to buy that new farking camera you wife won't let you buy. Are you afraid to learn something you pansy arse bastages? How bout you grow a set and challenge yourself, learn to take a beating or how to properly revel in victory. Just don't get caught up in all the mamby pamby crying and farking complaining that I'm always doing and get farking involved and if you don't farking like it then vote you lazy farkers!!!

Too much?

Good point, Mr. Biga-lickin' :-D

We have to fun throwdowns going on right now that are just screaming for entires!

Independence Day

Special Rules Clusterfark
That's low you bastage.

For the record I would've said the same thing to you if we would've just won the super bowl...or any super bowl for that matter. :tsk:

In Chip we trust...until he farks up that is.

Trading Shady...he better land Mariota...

In hindsight I probably should've used a rugby match as my analogy considering the OP. :-D

Either way, when I click on that vote thread and see the results hidden, I can't help but feeling like I'm being treated like a 2 year old.

Now please forgive me but, Rant ON.

I can't help but think no matter what the rules are that by having a DQ and making the mods police this thing like they haven't got better things to do, there will always be someone unhappy.

For that reason I am in favor of letting the voters decide what happens. If that means get rid of the prizes then so be it. You don't get to see who's winning until after you vote, who voted for who is always hidden, only vote totals show up. The peoples power is in their vote.

If some farker wants to enter chicken into a rib throwdown then let him. Just don't vote for that dumb arse. If it's funny enough and enough of his friends around here get it then he'll win. So what, that means the majority of the people paying attention get it. To me that means the people who actually follow along with the TD's get it and have the majority vote. If someone doesn't like it they can either get over it or stay out of it. This overwhelming need to find new entrants is following the trend of political correctness that inevitably leads to more problems.

Don't get me wrong I want new people to enter the TD's, but guess what? They always have and they always will. It's called competitive spirit and in this version of our battlefield/game/for funzies thing we got going here that competitive spirit must be accompanied by a little thick skin and some good sportsmanship and maybe a little common sense.

The TD's and this forum in general have taught me a lot about being a good sport, how to respect others opinions and the true meaning of camaraderie, not to mention how to cook ribs or even Spamfish if I so choose.

This country was founded on the principal of letting the people choose what they want, I see no reason why voting in some contest on the internet organized by bbq fanatics, entered by bbq bretheren and voted on by intelligent people needs to be any different. You would think that mentality would work here, I mean a story about the flag being forced down had our collective hands in an uproar. We are the people dammit!

The thing that I think can be gained by letting the people decide is that if you justly deserve to win, you will always have a chance if it's up to a group of intelligent like minded people to decide your fate. If you're a dumb arse like me and can't follow the rules, then you'll more than likely get whats coming to you.

Rant OFF

Lets call this a PSA for the newbies thinking of getting into the Throwdowns.

Most of the friends I have here have come from the throwdowns, they might be a group of schizophrenic half sane wackadoodles, but what can I say, I love them anyway. Even Guerry for calling me out in the Masters TD, now while I did threaten to drive to Memphis to pound on him, he was in the right by doing so even if it upset me, I actually still love him and I'm pretty thankful he still calls me a friend. What I learned from that is that you can't always win, even if you think you might deserve it. That's the mentality you have to have to enter the TD's plain and simple. I mean, if someone sees a violation, then call it out, let the people know, let them use their judgment, if someone only looks at the pictures to vote, so what, that's what they care about, if someone only votes based on the entry description, so what, voting by following along with the banter and the violation call outs, so what, we're never all going to vote with the same criteria no matter how much we wish it were so.

So in the voice of my forefather Bigabyte:

Get off your pansy asses, all you scared farkers, worrying about what a bunch of fat lazy BBQ guys and hot skinny BBQ chicks might think of you and enter the farking contest you farking sissy. Worried that you can't cook a proper rib, fark that! Boil that chit and get in the game! No better way to learn than to get your teeth kicked in. Worried that you can't take pretty enough pictures, get the fark over it, look back through the TD's and see all the chitty farking pics we all entered our first time around. You might just find a good reason to buy that new farking camera you wife won't let you buy. Are you afraid to learn something you pansy arse bastages? How bout you grow a set and challenge yourself, learn to take a beating or how to properly revel in victory. Just don't get caught up in all the mamby pamby crying and farking complaining that I'm always doing and get farking involved and if you don't farking like it then vote you lazy farkers!!!

Too much?

I agree with bigalicken' but I think shady was your best shot at trading down for Mariotta, hopefully the Eagles have something the Jags want because I'd like Williams at 4 but that's a pipe dream. Too bad we couldn't DQ some of the picks ahead of us. :crazy: